HomePrayersPrayer for Infilling of the Holy Spirit

Prayer for Infilling of the Holy Spirit

This is indeed a very powerful prayer for infilling of the holy spirit. Never underestimate the power in prayers. Know how to use prayers to develop yourself spiritually.

Prayer for Infilling of the Holy Spirit

Lord Jesus Christ, I come to You this moment with great expectations.

You have led me to it and I am ready to receive the outpouring of Your power.

I believe You are the Son of -God. You died on the Cross of Calvary for my sins and rose from the dead for my justification.

I ask for Your forgiveness for every sin I have ever committed in my life, especially (mention them) I believe You have forgiven me. And because You have forgiven me, I believe You have received me as a child of God.

And because You have received me, I also accept that I am a child of God.

I lay at Your feet any resentment, unforgiveness or bitterness.

I have forgiven everyone as I seek for Your forgiveness.

I have heard the word of truth, the gospel of salvation and I believe in You.

I am sealed with the promise of the Holy Spirit, Who is the guarantee of my inheritance, till I possess it, to the praise of Your glory as I expect a greater outflow of Your Spirit.

I renounce any connection with Satan and occult power in any form.

I release myself from such powers and from every curse, in the name of Jesus. Dear Jesus, I come to You as my Baptizer in the Holy Spirit.

Fill me now with Your Holy Spirit.

I present my body to You, make it a temple of Your Spirit.

I yield my tongue to You to be an instrument of righteousness and to worship You in a new language.

Baptize me with the fire of love and fill me now.

Release mightily in me Your power of miracle, healing, and strength.

I need the gift of the Spirit to grow as a Christian.

I want to be involved in spiritual warfare, and I request the release of the fire of the Holy Spirit.

Pour it into me and touch my tongue. Set my whole being on fire.

Let my heart be aflame with love and let my hands radiate the fire and power of the Holy Spirit.

I need the gifts to be a witness to You; I need Your gifts to be able to continue Your work among men.

You promised me that the works You did, I would do and even greater works, because You have gone to the Father.

Now I desire to take up in a greater way, Your work of preaching, teaching, healing, and raising the dead as the testimony of Your resurrection.

I want to be like Jesus to everyone in need and to serve as He served.

Give me Your Spirit and manifest Your power in me in great measure. Let nothing hinder the action of Your Spirit in me.

Holy Spirit, as You come, flow in me with power, compassion, mercy, purity, holiness, and love; saturate me with Your presence so that I will abound in Your miracle.

Heavenly Father, release mightily on me a special anointing of instantaneous answer to prayers.

I open myself to Your gift of miracles as Your Spirit moves in me and brings instant healing to the sick.

Increase my faith so that I will speak to circumstances and situations and see them changed.

Through Your word, let proud and arrogant hearts receive repentance and be converted to Jesus.

By Your Spirit, let signs and wonders accompany me wherever I go.

Father, I commit myself to You and I give all the power and glory to You.

I humble myself before You as a servant. Lord, use me as an instrument of Your miracle to people.

I surrender myself to You under the direction of Your Spirit, in the name of Jesus.

Holy Spirit I lean and totally depend on You.

May all glory, honor, and power be ascribed to You alone.

Thank You, the Omnipotent Spirit of God.

John 3:8 says, “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going”.

(Now hold on for a while as you breathe in and out as much as you can to welcome the Holy Spirit in your life.

Then pray in tongues as the Spirit gives you utterance or you sing the way you feel)

Accordingly, in Acts 2:1-4, the Bible states that “When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.

And suddenly, there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.

Then, there appeared to them divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each of them.

And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance”.

Precious Spirit, Third Person of the Holy Trinity, penetrate my innermost heart so that I will be mindful of Your presence at all times and abide in the love of the Only Begotten Son of the Father.

Come Holy Spirit and help me to excel in righteousness.

Come with Your grace and heavenly mercy to fill the heart created by Your power.

Divine Spirit, teach me to love the Father and the Son through the pure hands of Mary, Your immaculate spouse.

Breathe on me Holy Spirit, so that all my thoughts will be holy; and guide my steps to all perfection.

Bless me with the gift of holiness and let my work be aflame with the love of God for the cause of the kingdom.

Blessed Spirit of truth, fill my soul with the gospel truth, and conform my understanding to always be submissive to the teaching of the Catholic Church of which the Lord Jesus is the Solid Foundation.

Eternal Spirit, I consecrate my eyes, ability, mouth, heart, and being wholly to you without reservation.

Guard and teach me Your ways as Your friend.

Increase the faith, hope, and charity in me and bring forth all the virtues fit for my status in life.

Help me to grow in the four cardinal virtues, Your seven gifts, and Your twelve fruits.

Blessed Trinity, I depend on You and always seek to know God by Whom and for Whom I was created.

I consecrate my heart to You. Holy Spirit please make it holy, fearful, and endue it with great love for Christ Who died on the cross for me.

Holy Spirit, let the light of God overshadow my soul.

By submitting my thoughts and will to You, help me to grow in holiness and in the faith I have in God.

I give myself again and again to You.

Dwell deeply in me and make me Yours.

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end.




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