
How to Make Money on YouTube by Uploading Videos in 2024

In this article, you will learn how to create a YouTube channel, manage your YouTube, and make money on YouTube.

You finally show interest in knowing how to make money on YouTube, that’s awesome!

YouTube monetization is one of the best possible ways to make money online.

Aside from the fact that you can make money with YouTube, there are other opportunities for you if you have an active YouTube channel.

So, in this guide, I’m going to show you how to make money on YouTube.

This guide will suit those in Nigeria, Ghana, South Africa, and every other part of the world.

I must confess, this could be the best of all side hustles for you.

Those videos you watch on YouTube are created by some enthusiasts like you.

Meanwhile, the platform has features that can make YouTube video creators make money from their videos.

If you can create and share amazing videos on YouTube and your content goes viral, that’ll really fetch you some money.

This guide on how to make money on YouTube in Nigeria isn’t particular to Nigerians alone. Wherever you are, there are no other ways to monetize your YouTube channel than what I would be discussing here.

No one has been on YouTube to cart away money without working hard for it.

So, if all you want is a place where you can make money without effort, YouTube is never the one!

Becoming a successful YouTuber in Nigeria isn’t what you can’t do either.

All you need is to know how to monetize your YouTube channel and that’s what this guide is quite all about. And here are the major points I’d be talking about:

  • How to create a YouTube channel that makes money in Nigeria
  • How to monetize your YouTube channel in Nigeria
  • What are YouTube monetization requirements
  • How to be a successful YouTuber in Nigeria

But first of all, let’s briefly look at YouTube and see how it works for video creators in Nigeria.

YouTube has been there for a very long time now. At first, when told that some people earn their living from YouTube and are living very large, it was like a mirage.

But today due to the availability of information – it is no longer a secret. The world is fast growing towards ICT.

Thousands of people sit at home, producing fantastic videos in their free time and earning from it.

They edit the video they produce, making it appealing and outstanding, then upload and monetize on YouTube, and that is all.

Have you ever played a video on YouTube and seen an advertisement that would play before the video starts? Or watching a video and an advertisement interrupts for a few seconds?

Those advertisements are YouTube Monetization. Some of them even show up right below the video.

The person who uploaded the video will make some money from those ads. The amount they will make will depend on the number of viewers the cost per view and the commercials.

Some of the ads come in the form of links; they will also earn when visitors click on those links.

This monetizing platform of YouTube is under Google AdSense. Your revenue will be calculated daily, and the accumulated sum will be paid to you monthly.

An average YouTube Vlogger makes between $2,000 to $3,000 every month.

Don’t get excited yet because their lots of people in the same business that make far above $15,000 monthly.

The more valuable videos you upload and monetize on YouTube, the higher your chances to earn more money, all things being equal.

Don’t just watch YouTube videos daily and make nothing. You should also upload and monetize your video – so that while you watch people’s videos, some other people will also watch yours.

But the main purpose of this article is not how to become a YouTube artist, but to make money through videos you upload on YouTube.

Maybe you may have heard stories about how some successful people make money online via YouTube. You can also generate thousands of dollars on YouTube with some secret keys that I will review here.

What is YouTube

YouTube which was founded in 2005 and acquired by Google in 2006 is a video-sharing platform, which allows users to upload, download, watch, like, share, and comment on videos.

This platform can be accessed on a desktop or laptop computer, tablet, or mobile phone.

Any video you upload to YouTube can appear on the YouTube website, YouTube mobile application, and other websites through the video link.

This gives you the chance to boost your online presence on YouTube.

And that is a lot of opportunities for you to make money with YouTube.

YouTube has a slogan that says:

Broadcast yourself.

That is, you can use YouTube to broadcast yourself.

That doesn’t necessarily mean using YouTube to talk about your personal lifestyle but talking about things that can fetch you real money online.

So, from this angle, I want to show you how YouTube works to make money.

How does YouTube work to make money?

You can do a lot of things with YouTube, such as creating entertainment, marketing, educational content, and so on.


If you have a profitable idea and the ability to transform the idea into video content shareable on YouTube.

With just a few more steps that I will be talking about in this guide, you can start making money from YouTube.

YouTube gives room for both amateurs and professionals to express themselves without leaving any major difference in the quality of their content.

If you’ve never shot a video before, creating YouTube videos isn’t what you need the whole day to learn how to do. Shoot a quality video, do a little post-production editing, and upload your video to YouTube, that’s all.

During the process of creating your YouTube channel, there are applicable monetization strategies to help you make money with your video content on YouTube.

Meanwhile, your YouTube channel is what you’re going to use to organize your videos and be discovered on YouTube and Google as a whole.

So, when people watch your YouTube videos and YouTube displays Google AdSense on your videos, YouTube will give you a part of the revenues generated from the advertisements.

That is just the least of how you can make money on YouTube in Nigeria or anywhere you’re reading this guide.

There are other ways to monetize your YouTube channels.

With this guide on how to make money on YouTube in Nigeria, I’m going to show you all you need to know to kickstart YouTube videos as a business.

You can make a lot of money from offering sponsorship services to major brands on your channel.

This includes doing product or service reviews and getting substantial leads for the sponsors via your channel.

For many people, this is no longer a hobby but a real business.

Some people make a livelihood from actively uploading amazing videos on YouTube. And I hope their success stories will show you how to be a successful YouTuber in Nigeria.

Steps to Make Money from YouTube Videos

1. Create a YouTube Channel

Creating a YouTube makes it more flexible in terms of managing your videos, be it – uploading, removing (deleting), and others.

Creating a YouTube account is a package with your Google account.

Add a specific keyword to make it easier for your audience to find your YouTube Channel.

Make sure the keywords you create are relevant to the videos you will be publishing on that channel. Use a channel name that is easy to remember and friendly.

The video below will teach you how to create a YouTube Channel

Video Credit: YouTube

2. Upload Videos

It’s time you upload a video to your YouTube channel. Try to create quality videos that are not too long but accurate in terms of delivery.

Here are some tips for you before uploading videos to YouTube:

  • Upload before minimizing total upload size/compress for faster uploading
  • Improve the quality of video content with better equipment such as digital cameras, video editing software, and so on.
  • Upload your videos consistently to continue to build your channel’s subscribers.
  • Make sure each video keywords explain the content and description that is readable by the audience. This will be very influential for people’s search results in finding your video.

3. More Viewers More Money

Seek as many viewers as possible to maximize your ad earnings. One of the most powerful ways to improve your audience is simply by creating your best content, and automatically, they will come by themselves, as long as you use the right keyword.

Consistently upload videos to make them addicted to the videos you create. Look for YouTube subscribers as much as possible because they’re all you need to improve your earnings money from your videos.

Do not forget to remain sociable or respond to comments from your subscribers. This is the best way you can create an active community.

4. Share your Video on Social Media and Blogs

Do not leave your videos idle on YouTube. Use the Embedding feature to maximize Views on your video like sharing it through Facebook, Twitter, or an article on blogs, websites, and even via discussion forums.

5. Monetize Your Video

At this point, you have to register the video to the YouTube party to earn as much money as possible.

Here you are required to activate Monetization, which means you have given YouTube permission to place ads on your video. You also acknowledge that in your video, there is no copyright.

How to Monetize Your YouTube Videos

A lot of people think they can’t make money on YouTube without having a website.

That’s a big lie!

The point is, while YouTube is on one side, blogging is on the other. Although, you can generate more traffic to your blog from YouTube.

This implies that starting a blog and YouTube (vlogging) side by side can give you double strength.

With both platforms, you’re going to be making a lot of money online.

This is not all about the comparison between blogging and vlogging. But at least, you need to know that having a website or blog is never one of the YouTube monetization requirements.

So, if you don’t have a blog, your hopes to make money on YouTube are never going to be dashed.

With a fabulous channel and high-quality video, here comes a new YouTube star in Nigeria.

That’s what you’re going to be after reading this guide.

I can assure you of that.

The moment you realize a minimum of 4000 overall views and 1000 subscribers on your channel within the last 12 months, a lot of great things will begin to happen.

So, depending on your goal, there are many ways to monetize your YouTube channel in Nigeria.

These include the following strategies:

Monetize with Google AdSense


You can monetize your YouTube channel in Nigeria by linking Google AdSense to your YouTube channel.

Linking your channel to the Google AdSense network enables Google to display target Ads on your videos.

And while someone is watching the video, you earn from the revenue that advertisers pay to Google for displaying their ads on your videos.

This monetization strategy can be enabled right within your YouTube channel if you meet Google AdSense eligibility requirements.

Meanwhile, the requirements to make money using Google AdSense on YouTube in Nigeria include:

  1. Comply with YouTube monetization policies.
  2. Live in a country where there is a YouTube Partner Program. There is no cause for alarm as Nigeria is supported.
  3. Have over 4000 hours of public views in the last 11 months.
  4. Your subscribers must be up to 1000.
  5. Have and link a Google AdSense account to YouTube.

It can be deduced from the requirements listed above that what Google is paying for isn’t the number of people that see your videos but the period they spend watching the videos.

This is for Google to ensure that viewers see the ads on your videos before leaving.

So, if you would like to make money on YouTube with Google AdSense in Nigeria, take the following steps to get started.

Steps to monetize YouTube with Google AdSense

Because of the requirements for YouTube monetization, it’s important to discuss how to meet up with the requirements as part of the steps.

Most authors only focus on how to link a Google AdSense account to YouTube, forgetting that that is the last thing to do.

Monetizing with AdSense on YouTube isn’t possible without a YouTube channel. For this reason, the best steps to monetize YouTube with Google AdSense include:

Create a YouTube channel

Before you can make money on YouTube through any means, you need a YouTube channel, which would be used to organize your videos.

You’ll also be carrying out all necessary activities – uploading and monetizing your videos from the comfort of your channel.

Without an active YouTube channel, there is no way you can have an online presence on YouTube.

Meanwhile, creating a YouTube channel is so simple that no sign-up is required.

All you have to do is go to the YouTube website or YouTube mobile application and sign in with your Google account.

After signing in, you’ll be required to create, customize, and brand your channel.

Many things have changed on YouTube lately, so with that guide, you’re going to be exposed to the latest strategies for creating a YouTube channel that works.

Upload as many videos as possible

After creating your channel, the next thing is to start uploading good videos to it.

So, you need to know how to shoot breathtaking videos, so you can generate more than 4000 watch hours and 1000 subscribers before a period of 12 months that’s required.

Everything depends on what video you upload and how you shoot the video.

For that reason, a good video must be up to something, because nobody wants to watch a video and gain nothing at the end of it.

Your video must be well planned, so it can have value to help viewers solve one problem or the other in their precious life.

Viewers’ concern isn’t about the internet data that would be consumed but the time they’re going to spend watching your video, which can’t be wasted if you want them to keep watching your shows.

All this depends on your video niche, your area of focus, and its deliverability.

Verify your YouTube channel

Verifying your YouTube channel is very important.

Doing this can help you unlock more great features to increase your exposure on YouTube and boost your watch hours and subscription list.

By default, you can’t upload videos longer than 15 minutes to YouTube. However, after verifying your YouTube channel, you would be allowed to increase your video length.

You can’t customize your video thumbnails as well without verifying your channel.

Choose any of the account verification options provided for you and use whatever code YouTube sends to you to verify your channel.

Link your Google AdSense account to YouTube

Linking your Google AdSense account to your channel is another important step to monetizing your YouTube channel.

Once you have realized the watch time and subscribers within the stipulated time, the next thing to do is to enable AdSense on your videos and begin making money from Google.

For that purpose, you have to take these steps:

Go to YouTube and sign in with your Google account (Gmail).

Look towards the top right of the page and click the user icon or avatar. When the menu drops down, find and click “YouTube Studio”.

Look towards the left menu of the studio dashboard, and select “Channel” > Status and features.

Then click “Enable” in the Monetization section.

Follow the on-screen steps to complete the process and make sure you accept YouTube Terms and Conditions.

After enabling Monetization, connect your YouTube to an existing AdSense account (if you already have one). Otherwise, see how to sign up for a Google AdSense account.

When you’re done, YouTube will prompt you to wait for 30 days, after which you’ll get their response.

Although, the normal waiting period is 30 days. But in some rare cases, it might take multiple months for some people to get a response.

If your application was rejected, then something must be wrong with your channel videos, or one of them violates YouTube policy.

However, YouTube will only give you a general reason for the rejection, and not specify which particular video(s) has the fault.

But you can always reapply after 30 days of their response.

If your application is however successful, then all I’ll say is congratulations!

At this juncture, you should note that you can’t withdraw your earnings until it reaches the $100 Google AdSense withdrawal threshold.

YouTube can earn you millions of dollars if you are very serious about it. In fact, some people made their fortune from YouTube and continue to earn more every day.

Monetize with sponsorship services

Another interesting way to make money on YouTube in Nigeria is through branded content endorsements. Branded content is YouTube videos you create in the name of other brands to promote their interest on your channel.

The moment your YouTube channel becomes popular, sure it’s if you have crossed the minimum requirements, you’ll begin receiving messages from brands to sponsor your content.

But if no deals are coming yet and you’re sure of your strength, no hopes are lost.

Most YouTubers pitch to companies for offers and you can do the same. This is possible with influencer marketing platforms like Upfluence, AspireIQ, Famebit, and so on.

Search for brands that are willing to offer branded content endorsements to YouTube content creators and sign a good deal with them.

You have to be careful in your dealings with other brands, anyway.

You don’t want to promote businesses that claim to be gold but in reality, they’re stones. This can dent your own brand and reputation.

Monetize with affiliate products

Affiliate marketing is another profitable YouTube monetization strategy to make money on YouTube in Nigeria.

Without wasting time on what affiliate marketing is, the following simple demonstration would suffice.

I know you might have watched some kinds of videos on YouTube before, most especially those in the DIY or Tech niche, where the presenter is showing you how to do something with a particular tool or product.

And at the end of the video asking you to check out the product by clicking a link in the video description.

That is purely affiliate marketing.

The presenter has practically demonstrated to you how the product works. And for you to get the product, you would need to click the link which will refer you to the site of the company selling the product.

From any purchase you make, the presenter has a commission.

Most links you click on blogs are affiliate links and the case isn’t different in vlogging.

But because YouTube marketing has a greater impact on consumer behavior, YouTube videos can be the best way to make money from affiliate marketing.

There are so many affiliate programs out there you can join.

At the local level, there is Jumia, Konga, and the like. While at the international level, Amazon Associates, eBay Partner Network, and Target Affiliate still rock.

All you have to do is register on any of the best affiliate programs of your choice and begin placing your affiliate links on your video description.

And the more leads you generate for the affiliate companies through those links, the more money you make.

About Youtube

In November 2006, Google bought YouTube for $1.65 Billion and included it as one of its subsidiaries.

In 2010, YouTube was serving over 2 billion videos each day.

As of 2014, over 300 hours of videos were uploaded every minute to YouTube.

As of today, YouTube has its head office located in California, United States.

YouTube users can Upload, Share, view, rate, add to favorites, report, and comment on videos.

According to Alexa, YouTube is now the second most visited website in the world, with over 15 billion monthly visitors.


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