Online Job

Best 30+ Online Job Opportunities for Students and Freelancers in Nigeria

It’s no longer news that the internet provides the best online jobs in Nigeria for students and freelancers and helps them raise funds to take care of their immediate needs.

Hence, working from home jobs could be an alternative way for you to start a career online if you look in the right direction and you’re diligent.

According to a report made by eMarketer,

The growth of online business in the world increased to 24.8% in 2017 while the global sales on the internet scaled to $2.304 trillion the same year. eMarketer

For example, the growth of the financial technology (FinTech) industry in Egypt skyrocketed from 1.1% to 22.8% between 2014 and 2017.

And the industry became one of the fastest-growing business markets in the whole of Africa.
Over half of the world’s population will buy or do everything they need to do online.

This implies that companies would be forced to start an online business and use digital marketing strategies to strengthen their customer service.

Consumer behavior too would be determined by the kind of information the consumers come across on the internet regarding the brands and products.

The implication is that revolutionary technologies would serve as a competitive advantage for companies that follow the trends.

As such companies gain more engagements, leads, and sales, and there would be more freelance job opportunities online.

In fact, there are thousands of online freelance jobs in Nigeria, that many people don’t know about.

As the system outruns the traditional “brick and mortar” business model, there are a lot of online jobs you could do and start building your career while you’re still in college.

For that reason, I decided to share this ultimate guide with you. It contains the top 30 best online jobs in Nigeria for students and freelancers.

What is an online job?

An online job is a job that you can do via the Internet and get paid without reporting to anyone physically.

Working for someone online is very lucrative. Meanwhile, the job can be done per hour or task.

These aren’t the kinds of jobs you do and wait until the month ends before collecting your wages.

You can be in your room or anywhere, working for someone in the other part of the world.

Online freelance jobs, however, give you the freedom to manage your time and there would be no one to boss the hell out of your life.

Although, it may be difficult to find an online job that matches your skills or qualifications sometimes.

In that case, learning a new skill might increase your chances of getting a long-term job with a steady income.

The more many individuals and brands come online to do business, the more online job opportunities are available for you.

The point is remote workers are highly needed in almost every industry all over the world.

Your clients don’t have to be in Nigeria. So, you have the freedom to work for anyone while there is no best time to do the job.

Whether you’re a student, stay-at-home mom, or freelancer, looking for legitimate online jobs that pay daily or hourly in Nigeria, you have to explore this guide.

There are online freelance jobs in corporate affairs, education, finance, technology, marketing, statistics, multimedia, health, and many other industries.

All you have to do is to find and validate your niche – know where you fit in and observe necessary working-from-home security tips.

After reading this guide, you should be able to know what relevant skills you need to set your career path online.

Online jobs in Nigeria for students

The following are a few of the categories of online freelance jobs in Nigeria for anyone looking for how to make money working from home:

Social media consultant

Social media consulting is one of the most popular online jobs for freelancers to help companies or individuals solve their marketing problems with social media strategies.

If you’re vast in social media marketing this could be a nice job for you.

In this job, you’ll be required to help clients identify faults resulting from integrating social media into their business and offer strategic solutions that can help improve their businesses.

Whether your clients have an existing social media account or not, your job is to guide them on how to leverage social media and achieve their goals.

If there is an existing Facebook page and the owner contacts you for not getting any good results from it, you’ll be the one to analyze and find faults in the platform and see what goes wrong with the strategy being used.

Your job is to create a roadmap for your clients and ensure they take to corrections.

If they need someone to help them implement your recommendations, that should be taken care of by a social media manager.

But if you’ll have to take additional responsibility, let your client know he’ll have to pay extra.

Social media manager

Another freelance online job is social media management.


This online job is to help clients implement social media strategies for effective marketing such as lead and conversion generations.

Your roles as a social media manager include optimizing an existing social media account, creating and sharing relevant content, and gaining more customer engagement.

Because of the need to share important business information, most companies prefer to manage their social media accounts in-house.

As a result of this, they might want you to work for them full-time.

But if the job is given to you as a freelancer, you’ll still need to familiarize yourself with the organization so you can learn about its brand image.

If you know how to use social media for marketing, you can start offering this kind of service to companies that want to boost their leads and sales on social media.

The amount paid to social media managers in Nigeria is too low compared to what is paid in the US.

The truth of the matter is if you want to bid for this online job in Nigeria, ensure you activate your negotiation skills to sign a good deal.

Social media influencer

You need to focus on growing your own social media accounts to become a social media influencer.

Your job is to use your social media page to promote other brands voluntarily.

While you are doing this, tag the brands you’re targeting to carry them along.

If your audience engages well with the posts, that can turn your passion into a real business that is worth paying for.

Some companies need such a service to engage new potential consumers.

You can charge between $5 to $10 and $150 to $300 per 1,000 and 30,000 followers respectively to share a sponsored post on social media.

So, this means you’ll be sending your followers to those companies and influencing their purchasing decisions.

If you have an active social media account, start focusing on brands.

But if you’re just starting from scratch, it might take time to build such a massive audience that can attract the interest of other brands to sponsor your posts.


Another highly profitable online job you can do in Nigeria as a student, freelancer, or stay-at-home mom is blogging.

If you can write very well and have great ideas, skills, or knowledge that can solve other people’s problems, consider starting a blogging business.

Blogging isn’t rocket science.

I have a self-explanatory guide here that can show you how to start a blog and make money from it.

When you have a blog, their other jobs you can do with your blog to make money.

And these include advertising, affiliate marketing, and info-products on your blog to make money.


Podcasting is one of the best freelance online jobs for students.

The job requires you to do some audio recordings or live presentations, selling advertisements or sponsorships for brands on your blog.

You can make podcasting your full-time or part-time job, depending on your goal.

So, if blogging can do the job, podcasting too can.

All you have to do is put up an interesting idea, plan well, step to the microphone, and grow your audience.

As online jobs come in almost all human endeavours, podcasting is an interesting platform to get personal with your audience and impact their life.


Vlogging is otherwise known as video blogging.

This is creating short videos on various issues to educate or entertain people online.

One of the popular platforms for sharing video content online is YouTube.

With YouTube, vlogging has become one of the most sought-after online jobs for freelancers.

Based on a study conducted on 1000 children between the ages of 6 and 17, it was found that 75% of young people don’t only use vlogging to express themselves but also as a career path.

No wonder most stay-at-home moms switched to vlogging as a full-time profession.

In fact, some parents would feature their children in their videos for certain reasons.

And by doing so, many young people use vlogging in the limelight.

In Nigeria, we have the likes of Emmanuella, Blessing, Ikorudu boys, and many more who are YouTube rockstars

The opportunity in vlogging includes gaining millions of subscribers and sponsorship endorsements by brands.

All this is possible with mere comedy skits, how-to videos, pranks, playing with toys, and even showing bad dancing steps.

Membership site operation

Membership site operation is a very lucrative online job where you lock your content and give access to only those who subscribe.

Depending on your goal, your membership site may be paid, free, or both.

This allows you to have a list of your subscribers and do whatever you want with it.

Not charging for a subscription doesn’t mean you can’t generate income with your membership site.

In such a circumstance, the list might be used for bigger marketing purposes.

One of the best ways to target your audience is by getting their data.

And when you have the data with you, you can target them with relevant marketing campaigns including the ones coming from third-party advertisers.

This campaign can be a sponsored one.

You need to pitch your subscriber base to various brands for sponsorships so you can use it to generate leads for them.

Assuming you have a very large subscriber base, this job will fetch you a lot of money.

For that reason, I recommend this online job to you, especially if you have a website.

Online public relations officer

You can build a business that will help companies communicate with stakeholders online.

Virtual Assistant

Many businesses need an assistant to carry out some specific administrative tasks, such as sending emails. You can offer that assistance online.

Online newsletter service

Having sizable traffic to your blog, get viewers’ contacts with your newsletter list, and sell products and services to them. This will work fine in affiliate marketing.

Leads generation

This online job can be used to help companies generate leads to their business channels – websites or eCommerce stores.

You can even use this job to send customers to a business location offline.

You need an active blog or social media account to do this job.

In some cases, you might need to create a new account or manage an existing account for your clients.

So, you must know how to do all this to get online jobs in Nigeria.

Education – teaching jobs


E-Book author

Start writing short books and publishing them online.

If you’re a good writer and interested in this job, Lulu or Canva can be used for designing your eBooks

And when the ebook is published, Amazon will help you sell it.

Creating online courses

Do good research and create your lesson notes online on various relevant topics or subjects.

Then start selling your courses on your website, blog or via email listing.

You can equally release your works in video and publish them on YouTube. When people subscribe to them, they pay and watch.


You can build a business or start a career as a proofreader, editor or critic for individual authors or corporate entities online.

That’s also a good online job you can do as a student.

Writing resumes

You can choose this niche to write resumes, CVs, applications, or cover letter samples for various job seekers.

Researcher work

You can offer your service to writers who need someone to carry out field or online research work for them.

Web copywriting

You can get a contract to create content for a business that wants to fill its website or sales and marketing channels with great content.

Business coaching

You can start offering professional training services to clients live or using Skype or video chat apps on strategies to start or improve their businesses.

Content writing

If you’re a creative writer but not ready to have your website or blog, instead of keeping your ideas to yourself, you can start writing for bloggers as a freelancer.

Meanwhile, freelance writing is a very important online job. As far as the internet is concerned, without content, there is no website.

For this reason, the demand for content writers is very high.

So, this is one of the best online jobs in Nigeria for students.

Try using Fiverr to source jobs in this category. Most marketers visit Fiverr to hire freelance content writers.

So, to connect with well-deserving clients on Fiverr read how to use Fiverr to make money in Nigeria.

Tech – ICT Consulting

In this category, you need to gather and provide resources that can solve some tech or ICT-related problems.

This includes providing solutions to issues in computers, software, hardware, programming, web designing, domain registration, web hosting, configurations, and gadget repairs.

If you like this category of job, find relevant online job opportunities thereof:

Online job opportunities in TECH or ICT

  1. Desktop publisher: You can start providing training on all issues and tasks associated with setting up a system, networking, typing, and printing how to use some special features or keys, and so on.
  2. Virtual tech support: You can set up a service that provides solutions remotely to people. Workaround computer-related problems and offer hardware and software solutions to your audience online.
  3. Web designer: If you’re vast in website designing, you can start offering services to people on a WordPress installation, domain registration, and web hosting, and so on.
  4. Web developer: If you have advanced skills in computer science, this job is suitable for you to help people with their site development issues related to Java, HTML, CSS, and so on.
  5. App developer: If you have technical knowledge about mobile apps, you can start building apps for people or companies or sell your products online directly.

Digital Marketing

Career in Digital Marketing


In this category of job, you can use digital marketing strategies to help companies market their products or services and make direct sales.

As a digital marketer, you can use any of the following business models to achieve your goals:

  • Business to consumer (B2C)
  • Consumer to business (C2B)
  • Consumer to consumer (C2C)
  • Business to business (B2B)

So, if you find this category useful, here are the examples of jobs you can do:

  1. Online store: You can set up an online account on any online store such as eBayAmazonShopify, EasyStore, Jumia, Konga, and so on to start selling stuff you make. You can make your products such as T-shirts, handmade bags, shoes, wear, and so on. You have a lot to tap from fashion. Bringing all your wear, shoes, accessories, and perfumes to any of the online stores can fetch you a lot of opportunities. There are always people who want to buy this stuff every day. Do your marketing very well to attract them to your store.
  2. Affiliate marketing: Affiliate marketing is completely a model for selling other people’s products or services. As a starter, affiliate marketing is good for you since you don’t have your products yet. Find different affiliate networks you can register with.
  3. Re-selling: Re-selling products is another way to make money on the internet. This works with low-cost products that you can re-sell for more. You can re-sell anything on eBay for a higher price. Go for discounts, or buy when companies are doing promo then you re-sell at a higher price when the promo ends.
  4. SEO consultant: SEO consulting is another online job with several opportunities. The job includes helping people to optimize their business websites for traffic and organic traffic. If you are vast in search engine optimization, you can work for many clients right from the corners of your home.



This is another industry where photo, video, and graphic illustration makers can establish themselves and build a career online.

Since the use of the internet has increased, there is now a high demand for visual works to complement marketing content.

For example, the demand for brand logos, photos, videos, and other graphic works is very high all over the world.

So, that creates a huge opportunity for you online if you have the skill.

Find online job opportunities for yourself in this work from home job category.

Online job opportunities in multimedia

  1. Graphic designer: There is a high demand for this type of job. Every website owner and every marketing content needs great graphic or visual work to communicate and create brand affinity with customers.
  2. Photographer: You can turn your hobby of photo taking into a business. Go out there, take pictures of nature, scenery, kids, families, relics, artifacts, great buildings, and historical events, and repackage them for business. There are companies that look for where to get stuff like these.
  3. Video ad creator: Become a specialized video maker and start creating short videos for companies to use on YouTube or social media to promote their brand and business.

With any of these online job opportunities, you can build a career for yourself on the internet. Many of these jobs do not require any special training, skill, or certification.

You can just take your time to master the one you eventually chose and publicize yourself using social media or any other related channel.

That’s how to get an online job if you’re looking for one in Nigeria.


As I said earlier, there are numerous online job opportunities for individuals – students, moms, or anyone looking for what to do from home and make money online.

You don’t need to be an expert in any field before you can get a job or start a business online.

With one or two jobs discussed above, you can start working and making money from home. Some useful videos on YouTube will train you further for the job you choose.

What’s your view about looking for online job opportunities in your area?

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