HomeEducationBest Way To Write Final Year Project In Nigeria

Best Way To Write Final Year Project In Nigeria

In this article, you will learn the best ways to write your final year project without any stress. This has the best explanation you can get anywhere.

Project writing is among the proof that one has passed through the walls of academics. This project writing is however a tax that is expected that the student will achieve through rigorous academic research to attain.

However, there are standard rules that are laid down to help guide the students. Again, to dish a sound academic work, there are requirements and standards that the student is expected to meet.

This article will go on to discuss how to write a final-year project in Nigeria.

Ways to Write Final Year Project

Among the important academic requirement every undergraduate must attain before the student can graduate from the tertiary educational institution in Nigeria is writing a research project.

Disappointingly, not many students know how to go about fulfilling the academic tax of writing a project. Nevertheless, the order in which a student should follow in writing a research project work will be the primary occupation of this article.


The preliminary pages of a project work contain Certification, Acknowledgement, Table of Content, and Abstract. Although in some institutions, it is expected that the Abstract comes after the project work is done. However, the Abstract is a summary rundown of what the project work aims to achieve and should come first.


Project work starts with Chapter One. This chapter is the preliminary part of the project work. This chapter introduces the reader to what the project work seeks to achieve, and what it is entirely about. However, ideally a project begins from Chapter One down to Five. The following are contained in Chapter One.

  1. Introduction: in this chapter, there is a general introduction of the research project, it brings forward the problem that would be addressed in the research project work. Chapter One comprises; the background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, research Methodology, significance of the study, the scope of the study, and definition of terms.
  2. The background of the study provides contextual information the research work seeks to discuss, it includes current information and important histories.
  3. The statement of the problem is the description of the existing issue built upon. A good research problem addresses current issues that have left a gap in knowledge.
  4. The research objectives explain in detail what the research aims at achieving. In summary, it presents what the researcher seeks to achieve.
  5. Research methodology; the researcher in this case will present in clear terms the methodology the project work will adopt.
  6. The significance of the study provides details to the readers on how the study will contribute significantly to existing literature.
  7. The scope of the study defines clearly the academic perimeter the research work seeks to cover.
  8. The operational definition of terms comprises the definition of words mainly used in the study in the context it is used in the study.


The literature review contains systematic critical analyses of already published work of scholars in that field of research.

This is always the biggest chapter in the overall project.

In this Chapter, Textbooks, journals, articles, and other academically accepted work are subjected to thorough academic review; however in line with what the research work seeks to explain.

It is noteworthy to explain that literature review is rated high when it uses current academic works for review.


Research Methodology deals with the procedure or techniques used by the researcher to identify, select, and analyze the variables and information about the topic.

The research outlook is the framework of research methods chosen by the researcher such as survey (descriptive, case-study, and many more.).


Data Analysis: chapter four comprises data presentation/analysis, testing of hypothesis, discussion of findings/policy implication of findings. The introduction gives brief details of chapter four usually in one paragraph.

Data presentation/analysis shows how the data are presented and analyzed such that the research questions stated in chapter one are treated squarely. The methodology entails the nature of the data used and the reason for the analysis.


Summary, conclusions, and recommendations: The conclusion states in summary, the major finding after carrying out research, i.e. what the research uncovered.

In this chapter, the researcher draws the curtain of his/her research work and brings to a very much summary understanding of what the research has achieved.


Reference is the list of all sources that have been cited in every chapter of the research work. It is very important authors are properly referenced. There are different referencing styles, depending on which your institution uses, which you must find out from your project supervisor.

After all corrections; the title page, declaration, dedication, certification, table of content, acknowledgment, list of tables, the abstract is included then proceed to bind.




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