Improve Your SEO Position

8 Surefire Ways To Improve Your SEO Position

You finally have the blog, the one that had cost you so much to launch. If nobody knows it exists, it’s because you haven’t done the needful.

There are things you need to do as you build your blog, which can make your new blog rank visible on Google.

You need to know ways to improve your SEO in order to scrape through the competition and be visible to your audience.

You strive to create good content and use quality images to engage your readers and give a positive image, conveying that you are thoughtful and creative and that you like what you do.

That alone can’t get you anywhere as a blogger without knowing SEO ranking factors to optimize your blog.

If you have forgotten anything at all, it shouldn’t be how to improve your SEO on search engines, most especially Google.

[Tweet “Sorry, if this hadn’t even crossed your mind.”]

You thought that opening the blog and writing content on it, accompanied by beautiful photos and some infographics, would be enough.

Well, you are wrong!

You need to know some tricks to gain visibility and upload some positions in the Google search engine.

Ways to improve your SEO ranking position


In this post, I will show you a few things you can do on your own to optimize your blog posts and improve your rankings on Google.

So, take note…

1. Search your blog keywords

What do you want to communicate on your blog? When you are clear, use Google Adwords to find out the most searched terms on that topic.

Remember that if that keyword is searched by many people, it will be difficult to position yourself with it.

However, if you are looking for more specific content, that differentiates you from the great competition, you will be more likely to be in the top positions of Google.

For example, if your articles talk about hotels, no matter how much you write about cheap hotels, you won’t get anything, since there is a lot of competition.

But, if you talk about cheap romantic getaway hotels, the odds will increase.

2. Do not leave the URL that comes out by default

Post URLs must be short, descriptive, and must include the keyword.

If on the contrary, we choose to leave the URL that comes out by default, full of numbers and symbols, Google will not understand anything and will not value it.

3. Write attractive headlines

Follow the rules of copywriting to create attractive headlines, which start like this: how to create, 7 steps to, definitive guide, 5 tips, for example.

People do not like to read all the content, so they find it more attractive for an article in the form of a list, subsections, and bold to go to the part that most interest them and see the article in the past, capturing the most important.

4. Name the images

When you upload an image to a post, please do not leave the name with which you downloaded it from an image bank.

Write a descriptive name in Alt, with no more than three words.

5. Use plugins that help SEO

This step is very important to optimize the description of your post. Do not forget that this description is previewed on Google and depending on the creativity of your words, you can receive more clicks or less.

The plugin I use is All in One SEO Pack, it is intuitive and practical, and it is divided into title, description, and keywords.

6. Do not write duplicate content

Google avoids ranking websites that publish duplicate content and rewards those with unique content.

There is a serious controversy as to know if Google penalizes duplicate content. The point is Google doesn’t penalize duplicate content but the way it handles them is worthy of a penalty.

Publishing duplicate content on your website is a self-defeating SEO strategy you should be wary of. It affects your SEO rankings, competition, authority, reputation, and brand identity.

Duplicate content can even increase the bounce rate of your website.

The reason is that, if I have read a post on website A and proceed to website B and realize that the latter has nothing different from what is on the former, I will feel disappointed and bounce out immediately.

There are thousands of content that are published on a daily basis. Study the topics they discuss and get inspired by them.

See what people comment on other blogs or social networks. Based on the information you find, create your own unique content with additional values.

7. Share your content through social networks

The last step is to share your content through social networks.

Investigate what networks your target audience is in and create profiles in those social networks suitable for making noise and connecting with your target.

Post regularly and make social media buttons visible on your blog to share the post if you liked it.

Consider other aspects of being active in social networks such as these:

  • The content is easy to share
  • Respond and interact with users
  • Program your posts and use measurement tools to improve your strategy
  • Make guest posts on other portals to attract visitors and upload positions in the Google ranking. And spread those posts on your platforms, thus enhancing your brand.

8. What you should not do

If you already know Google and know what you want, do not go smart to try to play with techniques like these:

  • Add keywords to your post without adding value
  • Hide links and texts to readers
  • Show content to search engines and other content to readers
  • Use specific programs to copy an article and modify it, trying not to let Google know

This act is called black hat SEO.

Google frowns at it because it is popularly known to be against the standards of a quality blog.

This can make Google remove your blog entirely from the search engine as a penalty. And when that happens, it means your blog is forfeited.

Google will ensure the blog leaves no traces on any of its properties if caught playing smart with the search engine.

So, be warned!

Conclusion on ways to Improve your SEO Position

If you want your blog to be visible on the internet, you need to commit all necessary SEO efforts as mentioned above. These are some of the ways to improve your SEO ranking positions.

A blog that is optimized for search engines has the tendency to attract both organic and human traffic. Such a blog is the one that ranks close to first and tenth positions on search engine results pages (SERPs).


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  1. Kunal Sharma

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