Unity school are schools created to foster unity and peaceful coexistence, national integration, and nation building among young girls and boys from different parts of the country, and tilted towards producing detribalized citizens of high academic excellence capable of functioning in capacities of leadership for the growth and even development of Nigeria.
Nigeria is a multi-ethnic nation and there is a great need to foster an atmosphere that will encourage unity, it was as a result the unity school was established.
Unity schools offer Physical and Health Education classes to their students to encourage healthy living.
These classes are handled by qualified and well-trained physical education personnel.
They work to improve the general flexibility and overall coordination of the students.
Understanding the Meaning and Purpose of Unity School
Unity schools are federal government owned secondary schools in which students from all sections of the country can come together to learn without any discrimination.
The major aim of instituting unity schools is to train individuals that will go about building Nigeria from a point view free from sentiment, tribalism, and sectionalism.
However, efforts to keep this system and its purpose going have proved a little bit of problem given the presence of incompetence and poor leadership system ravaging the country.
Unity School was established to annihilate every form of suspicion, distrust, and tribalism in place of leadership and the piloting of the affairs of this great nation.
However, as these young girls and boys from different social backgrounds meet to learn together, every form of tribal difference and many more tends to disappear.
There are 107 Unity Schools in 36 States including the ones in the Federal capital territory.
Importance of Unity School
The importance of Unity Schools can never be belittled. Unity schools in Nigeria foster; unity, nation building, and national integration.
Young students from all parts of the country; North, South, West, and East, irrespective of their different ethnic, religious backgrounds meet in one umbrella (Unity School) to acquire knowledge and learn values, hence promoting unity.
The importance of Unity Schools is all overwhelming, they are:
1. It promotes Nigerian culture and language
One of the importance of Unity School is that it promotes Nigerian culture and language. The essence of Unity School is not to remove the sense of cultural background and origin from the students but rather to make them understand the beauty in diversity.
Unity Schools in Nigeria promotes Nigeria’s culture and heritage and also the positive culture of other countries in the world. These cultures are taught to the students through academics and other media.
Students are taught the cultures and values of the people of Nigeria. Again they are made to understand the satisfactory ingredients about the African cultural heritage and also the culture of other countries.
This however, go a long way in helping them appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the Nigerian people.
2. Unity School culture students to aim high
Another great importance of Unity School is that it encourages students to shoot for the stars in academics and as well in their later life.
Unity Schools are designed in a way that there is always a reward for academic excellence.
This reward is not exceptional to academics alone, there is also a reward for good performance in extra-curricular activities.
These rewards, however, help to boost the student’s desire for higher attainment both inside and outside school.
3. Unity schools provide wide range of curriculum
Again unity school provides wide range of curricula to help build different talents in the students.
At different stages, there are different activities, both academic and non-academic to help develop the student’s potential.
Unity School offer subject that cuts across, business technology, science, fine and applied arts. technical colleges offer subjects such as, painting, catering, decoration, wood and metal work, ladies’ garments, phone and television repairs, ICT, and many more. These options in learning, however, provide the student’s wide range of alternatives that will give them an advantage.
4. Unity Schools promote unity among student
Another major importance of unity school is that it promotes a state of oneness among the students.
Unity school teaches the student about the virtue of acknowledging the beliefs and religion of other people that is different from theirs. Thus, this goes a long way in fostering unity in diversity.
Nigeria is multi-ethnic and multi-religious. Unity School, thus makes students understand each other more and go on to instill a sense of tolerance amongst the students.
They also teach students to respect and appreciate people from a different religions. By doing so, unity is fostered amongst the students.
5. Unity school birth people of great esteem
Unity schools also birth people of great esteem, who will in the future pilot the affairs of the nation.
Unity schools bring up people who grow to become thinkers and respectful of other people’s feelings and thought systems.
They teach people to appreciate dignity in labor and appreciate good values and standards.
Again, in Unity School, the students are bred to learn to be articulate and independent thinkers. However, they are given group or individual tasks to execute, this goes a long way in developing them for the future ahead.
6. Unity schools provide opportunities to further one education
The school is established to help students from different geographical locations who want to further their education.
It gives children from different regions equal opportunity irrespective of their ethnic, religious, or social background.
7. Unity School encourages healthy lifestyle
Unity schools in Nigeria offer physical and health education programs to help improve the student’s health life and beyond. These classes are handled by qualified and well-trained physical education personnel.
They help to build the general flexibility and overall coordination of the students. They are taught to imbibe a healthy lifestyle.
8. Unity school working system embraces modern technology
Unity School provides and exposes the students to modern-day technology.
They achieve this feat by adopting those modern sciences and technology in dishing out academic knowledge. In Unity schools, students are taught the basics of coding and IT skills.
The establishment of Unity Schools has gone a long way in improving the wellbeing of the nation. However, a poor leadership system is currently crumbling the whole purpose upon which this system is built.
The government should reevaluate the working system of things and inject life into this project.