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Sterling Bank Customer Care Number & Head Office Address

This article contains Sterling Bank Customer Care Number and Head Office Address.

Banks are financial institutions, best for accepting public deposits and as well as creating credit for the public. For every economy to stand strong, they need its banking sector to be strong and dependable too.

We all need to put our money in the bank for safety purposes. In return we always expect the bank to stay liquid in other for us to be able to access our deposit on-demand at any point in time.

If any bank is not able to meet up with its customer’s withdrawal demand, it will discourage their customers from saving their money with that bank.

Off course, the banks are managed by a human; this means there are times they may default.

It is the reason why every bank provides its customer service details, so their customers will be able to reach them easily.

They do this to satisfy their customers, so they won’t start looking for else banks.

Sterling Bank is one of the top banks in Nigeria. If they disappoint their customers, all that comes to the customer’s mind is how to find Sterling Bank’s head office and give their complaints. Or better still call or write Sterling Bank customer care service.

Below you will find Sterling Bank Customer Service Number and Head Office Address

Sterling Bank Customer Care Number and Head Office Address

Sterling Bank Customer Care Number & Email

  • Number: 01-4484481-5
  • Email:

Sterling Bank Head Office Address

  • Sterling Towers
    20 Marina, Lagos Island,
    Lagos State.
    (+234) 0700STERLING (070078375464)

Functions OF Sterling Bank Customer Care

  • POS issues
  • They give firsthand information about the products and services of Sterling Bank
  • Cheque instructions
  • Issues relating to card transaction
  • Reactivation of dormant account
  • General complaints
  • Checking your account balance
  • Request for checkbook
  • Accounts issues
  • Resetting your banking password
  • Online and internet banking inquiries
  • Sterling bank account reactivation
  • Give customers feedback for products and services
  • Request for reissuing of card PIN
  • Request for blocking your ATM card
  • Help in the account opening
  • Request for statement of account

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  1. Brian Chambers

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