20 Social Media Laws for all Bloggers

This post listed 20 social media laws for bloggers. If you are a blogger after reading and practicing you will experience a massive audience increase.

In recent times, social media has become very influential – being on top of the most interactive web applications on the internet. Millions of users spend several hours daily on their favorite social media platforms.

On the other hand, we have bloggers who are spending timeless effort to attract visitors to their blogs.

Now, our thought is how to convert the time spent on these social media platforms to our advantage as bloggers.

Sounds good right?

There are some steps you can take to take absolute advantage of social media to your interest. These steps are what I call “Social Media Laws.”

You may not be able to adhere to all the laws listed here, but you should try to make an attempt at a bunch of them.

Social Media Laws For Bloggers

  • Always think of providing value: This is the most important way to gain and keep followers. Create something of value worth following you for.
  • Promote necessary information: Promote things that will be necessary. Else, you will end up annoying some of your followers.
  • Post what you would love to Read: You know what you love – then promote it, people who share the same view with you will appreciate it.
  • Learn to Create intriguing titles for your post: Let your title be such that it will convince people to click and read.
  • Always deliver all your promises: If you have an intriguing title, make sure your content will back it up.
  • Always make your followers feel very important: Always appreciate your followers at regular intervals.
  • Try to give back to the community: Don’t just post information about your blog all the time, also take part in the communities you wish to promote.
  • Be personal when necessary: You may consider creating a personal brand if it suits the subject matter of your blog.
  • Promote Your Social Media Links on Your Blog: Blog promotion and social promotion must be synergistic.
  • Learn how to Sell the Lifestyle: Portray the lifestyle that your customers will like.
  • Respond and Engage in Discussions: Social media is a communication network, so make sure you respond to most comments and questions.
  • You must be Consistent: Stick to the pattern you created, and play the same role in a similar scenario.
  • Do experiment With Other Types of Content: Never be afraid to try quizzes, games, and infographics.
  • Take Advantage of New and Latest Technologies: Video streaming is big right now, but you can’t tell how it will be tomorrow, you have to follow the technology train.
  • Remember to create a Professional Brand: A professional shot or logo will go a long way toward promoting your business.
  • Do not try to Cater to Everybody: If you try to please everybody you will end up pleasing no one.  Just do the best you can.
  • Use Advertising mediums: Social networks like Facebook ads are fantastic for finding targeted fans.
  • Write Great Quality Posts: What is important is that you write a great article and present it very well. This will provide value. If necessary, hire a writer.
  • Take Amazing Photos: social media has also very visual in recent times. Taking quality pictures will grab your attention and build your followers.
  • Cultivate your True Fans: Most ultimately, your aim shouldn’t be to build a massive number of subscribers but to think more of quality. Build mainly true fans, and your business will thrive like never before.


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