9 SEO Strategies for Small Business Owners – The Beginners Guide

This article explains the best SEO Strategies for Small Business owners to rank amazingly.

Do you plan for your business to grow online?

This article contains all the SEO knowledge needed for small business owners to grow their businesses online.

Getting noticed on the internet is becoming very difficult, considering that numerous websites are competing to top the search engine results.

Winning your desired keyword is not going to be an easy fight, but it’s very much possible.

This article will discuss various tips that can help your small business blog or website to top the search engine result page and help your company get noticed on Google. It will indirectly increase your company’s profits.

SEO Strategies for Small Business

1. Start Early

The greatest mistake you can make is not starting early. You should start thinking about SEO the moment you decide on your blog domain name.

On-page SEO is the key to notifying Google and other search engines that you’re for real.

So you must take all this into consideration while designing your company’s blog or website.

It’s never too early (but it can always be too late!). Make a list of keywords that describe your company and select the ones that best fit your company’s description.

Then run the keyword through Google Keyword Planner, and compare the keyword with what people are searching for.

It’s important to check the exact phrase as it appears in the search. Do a little more research and decide on which one would be good to compete for.

It’s advisable to finalize a bunch of keywords, (10-20), taking each of them one at a time.

2. It Takes Time

Only Larry could have his page on Google’s first SERP minutes after publishing, (well maybe some bad SEO guys can pull that off too).

In essence, you should understand that it takes time. Remember that somebody has been struggling with the keyword before you decided to start your blog.

You wouldn’t expect them to just pave the way for you, it’s all about one step at a time, a few links here and there would get you there, even before you notice.

So don’t be bothered if you do not see the instant results you might have expected.

3. Don’t Hire An Expert

It’s a small business! You’re expected to be coordinated and savvy in virtually all aspects of your business (yeah! Including the blog and publicity).

So how do you gain the required experience when you keep hiring experts to do it for you?

I am always against the idea of investing in such a course when you can do it yourself. Remember, your goal is to invest as little as possible and earn as much as possible.

There is no point in hiring somebody who would do a “disastrous SEO” for your company’s website.

Disastrous because Google’s Algorithm is pretty smart. Once it notices everything is moving fast, you’re getting hundreds of backlinks within days. Then it smells a rat (God help you when Panda Hits).

It’s advisable to surf the internet, read tips on SEO, download eBooks, and apply what is written inside the book. Keep in mind that it takes time, and you won’t hire anybody to do it for you.

4. Google Tool Is Good For A Start

Many people make the mistake of investing money in buying SEO software. Seriously it’s of no use, considering that you’re not doing it for commercial purposes.

The Free Google tools are enough to get your site SEO running. Make use of the Google Keyword planner to narrow your targeted keyword.

Monitor your progress with the Google Console tools, and some other free software (there are a bunch of them).

You can also take advantage of the Market Samurai free 12 (twelve days) trial. So my advice is very simple, don’t waste 100$ on buying a tool (software) you won’t be making use of in the next few months or years.

5. Quality Content


I am an advocate of originality, so I preach it everywhere. You must post quality and original content on your company’s website.

Never conceive the idea of copying articles from popular blogs, to your blog or website, it’s just like shooting yourself.

Try as much as possible to publish only original content.

I acknowledge that everybody doesn’t have good writing skills, so I would suggest that you hire somebody to do the writing for you. All you need to do is give him/her a particular topic, and they would get it done.

If you don’t know where to hire -Fiverr.com is a broad marketplace, but be careful not to get substandard materials over there.

Make use of Copyscape to confirm if the article submitted by the person you hired is unique.

Slow, Steady Is Better

I mentioned earlier about not hiring an expert, part of the reason being that – they would do the whole thing hurriedly, which might eventually raise a red flag for your company’s blog on the search engine.

The slow and steady tips are for you to take it one step at a time, don’t create more than two backlinks to your blog per day, and don’t spam the internet and social network. Remember, slow and steady are better.

6. Join The Community Of Bloggers

Yeah, you must join the blogger’s community on the internet.

Create a personal relationship with popular bloggers, visit their blogs frequently, and leave some nice comments. This will not only help your blog in getting more traffic; it will help create some sort of awareness and make new friends.

They might offer to help promote your company on their blog, either by interviewing you or writing something nice about your company.

You never know where such a relationship might lead to. A personal relationship is also part of the SEO tip, so search for bloggers in your niche and get it going.

7. Know Your Competitors

It’s good to know who you’re competing with, make proper use of Google tools, (search, webmaster, keyword tools), and Samurai to know who you’re competing with.

Study them very well and come up with a way to outsmart them. If you don’t know your competitor, it’s just like fighting the wind.

But if you don’t, then you have a target, and that’s a very good way to kick start.

8. Go Social

Little interaction and socialization aren’t bad either. It’s regarded as a rule of thumb, to create a social profile for your company on Facebook, Twitter, and other popular social networks.

9. Quality Design

You must get a unique quality design for your company’s blog.

Don’t just install the common themes that everybody has access to, instruct your webmaster (or yourself) to tweak and customize the whole theme to a perfect taste.

It helps business branding, and a well-designed website makes it easier for Google crawlers when searching through your website for updates and recent changes.


Related Tags: SEO for small business | best SEO for small business | SEO for small business owners | small business SEO reviews | the importance of SEO for small businesses | small business SEO packages.

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