
5 Reasons you Should Start a Blog

Let’s hit the nail on the head on the reasons why you should start a blog this year.

Year in, year out, there are new entrants into the blogging world, who in one way or the other have picked an interest in blogging.

Also, you might have seen, read, or heard from someone that some bloggers are making a huge sum of money, fame, and have a reasonable amount of audience.

You may want to ask yourself, the reason why you should start a blog?

Having that mindset that you will be a successful blogger will make you successful because the mind is everything.

That is why 2019 should serve as a step ahead for you to start a blog.

Yes, you might have the hunch to ask yourself how will you be successful as a blogger considering the stress you will go through such as getting the right niche for yourself, getting motivation, how to solve a problem, how to get AdSense approval, how getting traffic or get what to blog about.

All these things should not hinder your plans to start a blog this year, as they are the things that make blogging even more interesting.

We are here to get you on track and to make sure that you get the best as a new blogger on your way to becoming an expert or professional.

We are not unaware that there are various articles out there that you would have stumbled upon as regards why you should start blogging in order to grow your business, make some cool cash, and become an expert afterward.

All these do not lie in being an outstanding writer alone, your blogging strategies matter a lot.

Believe me, if you know one thing or the other there is one person out there that will surely need your help since they don’t have the right answer to them.

Professional bloggers like John Chow, and Syed Balkhi have helped a lot of bloggers start profitable blogs

Your duty may not necessarily be to help bloggers, yours may be to help teenagers or to help us shed more light on our political issues.

Please do something for humanity, don’t waste your talent, and take a bold step!

5 reasons you should start a blog

1. Blogging is lucrative

Yes, blogging is lucrative, in fact, you can make a whole lot from it. Everything boils down to the fact that you will have to sacrifice a lot for it.

From the time that will be devoted to it, spend money to make your blog look more prepossessing by designing your blog and coding it properly.

The money will flow as there are millionaire and billionaire bloggers out there who have simply carved a niche for themselves.

To make money blogging is not easy but cash will surely flow in for you if you do the right thing, but mind you, blogging is not a Get-Rich-Quick-Syndrome.

2. You will be an excellent writer

Practice they say makes perfect. For you to be an outstanding writer, you must learn to put your thoughts on paper. You will need to communicate efficiently and effectively.

You don’t just write for writing’s sake or to fill in the space for people to read. You will need to create the natural instinct yourself and don’t compel anything.

The flow will come naturally and you will be a real asset to yourself and to others who will always expect the best from you.

One thing you should put in mind is that you write to communicate, and not to impress. As such, you will sharpen your thinking faculty. With this, your writing skills will improve.

3. Someone out there needs your inspiration

Well, many people inspire others through their writings. In other words, you inspire others through your blogs.

There are blogs out there that have simply redefined people’s lifestyles, perceptions, and thoughts inter alia.

Some even see blogs as giving back to society. People can easily surf the net and be inspired by your posts and charge them into action. This is one of the invaluable roles a blog plays in the lives of people.

4. Joblessness will be crossed out from your diary

If you are unemployed, delving into a blog is a sure way to greatness and being self-employed.

In today’s economy, it is a daunting task for literates around us to secure a plausible job that will help feed themselves, and their families, pay their bills, and buy the things they wish in life.

If you venture into blogging and put the time and energy into it, you will surely be self-employed and wave goodbye to penury.

Getting fully engaged is by having a keen interest in blogging not just frolicking around and expecting miracles from where there is none.

At least if anyone should ask you what you do for a living, you can boldly tell them you are a blogger!

You can be misplaced by an online scammer as this is the mindset of an average Nigerian but prove to them that you are not! How? The way you dress is the same way you are addressed!

5. This is your chance to reach more audience and gain popularity

If you are a good writer and you seem to be loved by those who read your thought-provoking or inspiring piece, blogging is the way for you to garner an audience and become popular more than ever before.

The larger your audience, the better it is for you. A plethora of opportunities abound when you work hard and grow something that is really special.

The chances are there for you when you join the world of blogging.

You may have your own social media pages or handles such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest among others, and build your audience from there through your area of interest.

You will see how you will rise beyond your imagination. Those who love your works will comment and share your posts.

Also, having your own blog gives you the power to start creating an email list of people interested in what you have to say.


As we have rightly highlighted and explained the reasons why you should start a blog, it is our resounding hope that all these will give you the impetus to delve into blogging.

Try as much as possible to clear your doubts, be passionate about your blog, and sacrifice the time, energy, and resources for it, and all these will accumulate into what you never expected.

Remember to always be natural and give your best to it. It is worth it, as your efforts will translate to work in action. It will never be easy! But something should keep you going!


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