
How to Find a Profitable Blog Niche with Low Competition in 2024

What is most important in starting a blog is not hosting a domain or knowing how to write killer content.

Before you can start a blog that will bring you money, you need to know how to find a profitable blog niche.

No matter how great a blog is, the owner will face a lot of problems down the line if something is wrong with the blog niche.

Finding a profitable niche for your blog is fundamental, so you can’t afford to miss this ultimate guide.

Some blog niches might be profitable but not viable if they’re too broad.

So, how can you differentiate between a broad and narrow niche if you don’t know how to choose a niche for your blog?

Not choosing the right niche for your blog can easily make you lose focus. And when that happens, you’ll attract little or no prospects.

As you touch every niche that crosses your mind, let’s say, a bit of parenting, relationship, and technology, your blog will be cumbersome.

Consequently, you’ll leave your audience in serious confusion.

Identifying this problem may not be possible if you just dabble in blogging without learning the proper way of induction.

Most people forget to choose the right niche for their blogs due to their curiosity about becoming a blogger and you don’t have to make the same mistake.

You must have been inspired by the success of another blogger.

We all started that way.

If you ask someone how he got into blogging, he must have a mentor or more that inspired him.

I was influenced by the likes of Neil Patel and Pat Flynn, not because of the money they make with their blogs but how their blog niches brought about their success.

Blogging wouldn’t have been fun for the pioneer bloggers if they hadn’t chosen the right blog niche at the beginning.

So, if there is one thing to makes you go a long way in blogging, it’s knowing how to find a profitable niche for your blog.

On top of this, I decided to write this post to help you find the best answers to some of the fundamental questions that arise in the cause of knowing how to choose a niche for your blog.

For example, you’re going to find the best answers to the following questions:

  1. How can you identify a profitable blog niche with low competition?
  2. Which is better, to choose a narrow or broad niche for your blog?
  3. How to find and validate a profitable blog niche?

At the end of this post, you’ll discover a profitable blog niche that you can start, grow, and monetize.

It took me since 2019 to complete this research.

And I want to appeal to you that if what you’re going to learn in this post is really helpful, let me know in your comment section.

You can equally share this post with your friends to spread the good work.

What is a blog niche and why is choosing a niche important to bloggers?

A blog niche is the specific aspect of an industry that one blog is about to corroborate all your blog posts.

This is like a bit of an industry that you must be persistent about, thereby making the scope of your blog very narrow and specific to your target audience.

A blog niche is like a circle with a focus point at the center of a ripple effect.


Whatever you do at the centre of the circle may be small, compared to what happens at the circumference.

As your action spreads out from the centre, it becomes bigger toward the circumstance.

This shows that a niche blog has more tendency to reach more target audiences than a broad blog which turns out to be shallow.

Every industry has numerous segments that you can’t master at a time and put in one blog.

Let’s consider “lifestyle” as an example.

How do you want your audience to cope with your blog if you write about the whole aspects of the industry such as health and wellness, parenting, personal finance, dating, marriage, interpersonal relationships, etc.?

That would be too complex for you to cover as a beginner.

However, there won’t be any connection if you discuss relationships on your blog today and parenting tomorrow. Relationships and parenting are two different niches under lifestyle.

Your discussions on lifestyle as a whole on a single blog can’t form a niche as each aspect targets different audience categories with different interests.

So, there is a need to narrow down your blog niche to a more specific subject of an industry.

In that case, you can just specialize in “personal finance” or “parenting” as an example.

Although there is no specific proof that says you can’t cover the whole of an industry and make your blog broad in scope.

But over time, finding a niche for a blog is generally believed to make a blog have some well-deserving qualities such as authority, focus, and high audience retention rates.

Merging all aspects of an industry on a single blog can make a blog lack focus.

Even the people who visit the blog will find it difficult to navigate from one post to the other. As a result of this, they won’t be your loyal readers.

Assuming someone came to your blog through your post on “how to knit a cap”.

Let’s say after reading the first post, the next article he saw was the “last prayer of Jesus on the cross”, you will lose that audience right away as his interest in “cap knitting” led him to your blog in the first place had nothing to do with the prayer of Jesus Christ on the cross.

It would’ve been better if both the two posts were interrelated.

That would make you avoid losing the audience and have a low bounce rate on your blog.

Finding a niche for a blog, however, is a strategy to make all the content on a blog connect. That can be considered to make your blog credible and highly authoritative.

You’ll have the chance to write in-depth about a few related topics and demonstrate your level of competence in a field.

Meanwhile, you can’t impress your readers if you make your blog too broad for them to relate to their problems.

Choosing a blog post is not what you can take with levity.

For you to find blogging very interesting, your niche must be profitable, less competitive, very interesting to your audience, and at the same time, must be on a subject you’re passionate about.

Why choose a blog niche with low competition?

You might be wondering why to find a low-competition blog niche when there are a lot of blog niches with high competition.

The reason is to avoid being sent off the radar by the bigger players who dominate the high-competition niches.

Just imagine starting boxing as a career today and the first person you want to compete with is Anthony Joshua.

Your tendency to make it out of the ring alive or without losing your front teeth and ribs is very low.

As a beginner, you can start the career competing with your peers and scale through the competition until you become a good peer with AJ someday.

Meanwhile, there are some blog niches beginners should avoid.

To save you from the stress of conducting research on which low-competition blog niche to choose and beat the resistance of the big players, endeavor to read this post till the end.

The question of why choosing a low-competition blog niche is mostly asked on Google, Quora, and blogging forums and all answers to that question is to resist tough competition which is responsible for why and how most bloggers can’t rank their blogs.

If the competition in your blog niche is too high, there will be fewer chances for you to succeed.

So, that makes it very important to find a profitable blog niche with low competition as a beginner.

Choosing a blog niche might relatively be a thing of an individual’s interest.

That is why my interest in blogging can be different from that of someone I trained.

This doesn’t mean your interest or passion supersedes the profitability of a niche.

So, if you’re not considering the profit, your expertise or passion for the “health and wellness” niche doesn’t mean the niche will profit you.

As a beginner, no matter how good you are in a field, your chances of becoming successful in that field may be slim if the competition is too high.

As Kapil Heera observed, the “health and wellness” blog niche is like a wildfire which has already consumed almost every blogger.

So, that particular niche may not be right for you despite your passion and interest in it.

The truth is you can’t find any clear-cut answer on which blog niche to choose for your blog without a validation exercise.

There are many profitable blog niches with low competition that you can start, but there is no guarantee that they are right for you.

So, you need to know how to find and validate your blog niche to get headway.

So, how to find a profitable blog niche

As it’s generally believed, finding a blog niche is not difficult at all.

In the following steps, you’ll get to know how to find and validate your blog niche.

The opinion of some authors is that anybody can blog about any subject which he is familiar with.

But that isn’t always correct.

Blogging doesn’t only depend on your ability to write.

There are external factors that you also need to consider, most especially if you want to choose a profitable niche for your blog.

Most bloggers who made mistakes while choosing a niche might not know until they realized things didn’t work as expected.

So, if you only rely on your skill or passion to pursue a niche, you might have problems down the line.

Choosing a niche for your blog, however, depends on your goal and how you can take advantage of other factors surrounding you.

Assuming you just want to use your free time to engage in something and think blogging can keep you busy, you can choose any blog niche.

But if you intend to start a blog that you can monetize or a blog that you can use to make your brand famous online, then you need to know how to find a profitable blog niche.

And to carve a profitable niche for your new blog, here are the things you need to do.

STEP #1. List out your niches

The very first thing to do if you want to choose a niche for your blog is to create an Excel spreadsheet containing a list of all the niche ideas that cross your mind.

You can use the format in the image below to prepare your list.


It’s not possible to say you want to start a blog without having some raw ideas of what to blog about.

The problem is not knowing which idea to choose.

So, if you have a list containing your proposed niche ideas, it will be easier for you to analyze them and settle for the best niche.

Even if you have just only one niche idea, think of other related ideas that you can cover on your blog and add them one by one to the list.

You can propose up to 10 or 20 niches on your list.

Assuming you like to teach English Grammar, other ideas related to teaching English grammar include: “common errors in the English language”, “how to be a public speaker” and so on.

This exercise may include:

  1. Things you enjoy doing that other people appreciate so much – This can be your hobby or talent. If you like to make people happy, that is such a good niche for teaching people self-confidence or how to develop the same talent.
  2. Things you’re good at that no one even knows about yet. This can possibly be a new skill you’re currently developing yourself and you think it will be great to teach others against the challenges you face while going through the training.
  3. Profession – You can also list your professional job or business as part of your niche. No matter what job you do, there is a place for it in blogging. Assuming you’re an HR person, blogging about job security is a good niche.

Meanwhile, brainstorming on things you do most often will force out all your hidden potential which you can easily turn into a lucrative blog niche.

Don’t jump to a conclusion and choose any of the ideas you already have on the list.

You need to check all the opportunities and threats that surround each niche, and that is going to happen in the validation stage.

So, for easy record-keeping, ensure your spreadsheet contains the following variables.

  1. Niche name
  2. Size
  3. SEO difficulty
  4. Monetization potential
  5. Proficiency

You can use this or any similar criterion to validate your blog niche in step 2 below.

STEP #2. Validate your niche options

You can carve a niche for your blog on any idea you are already familiar with or start afresh by choosing a new idea.

That is not what matters.

What matters is to check the viability of a niche before venturing into it and the practice is called the niche validation exercise.

It suggests the need to evaluate your niche options and choose the best for your blog.

7 tests to validate your blog niche

So, if you want to validate your blog niche, consider taking the following tests and give a sincere answer.

  1. What is the size of the niche
  2. Can you penetrate the competition?
  3. Is the niche profitable?
  4. What is the monetization potential of the niche?
  5. Do you have a passion for the niche?
  6. Do you have the skills or knowledge required in the niche?
  7. Who is your target audience?

You are to answer these questions one after the other.

Because your findings determine your judgment, you need to be sincere with yourself to make the validation exercise work for you.

So, let’s discuss each of these steps.

#TEST 1. What is the size of the niche?

No matter how prepared you are to start a blog, having the resources and passion for a niche doesn’t guarantee your success.

As the amount of audience you attract matters to your success, you have to be sure the size of your niche is big enough to generate enough traffic for your blog.

On this note, there are two things that you need to consider:

  • Is the niche broad or narrow?
  • What is the search volume for the niche?

Is the niche broad or narrow?

If the niche is broad, you’ll have a serious problem facing tough competition to rank your blog.
For this reason, a high-competition niche is a bad choice for a new blog.

They may have a very large amount of monthly search volume, which shows that they are highly competitive. That doesn’t mean they are viable.

But as a beginner, high-competition blogs are a no-go area for you as you’ll find it very tough to withstand the competition.

The good news is you can reduce a broad niche to a narrow niche and faceless tense competition.

Assuming the original niche is “social media”, let’s do a simple analysis and discover a new opportunity to reduce the niche to a low-competition niche.

If you search Google for “social media” and go down to the bottom of the page, you’ll see “Searches related to social media”.

Find any of the search queries that are most suitable for the broad niche.


You can use this strategy for any primary niche to generate a list of multiple related niches as required in the first stage above.

Broad niches are mostly in one word such as “marketing” or two, such as “social media”.

Based on this example, anyone trying to start a blog niche related to “social media” can opt for “social media marketing” as the latter is more specific and clearer than the former.

What is the search volume for each niche?

You can use any keyword tool to check the monthly volume of searches that each of your proposed niches generates.

For the purpose of this guide, we’ll use UberSuggest.


According to UberSuggest, the monthly search volume for “social media” is 135,000 and the average web page that ranks in the top 10 for this niche (keyword) has 1,804 backlinks and a domain score of 91.


Some of these top players are SocialMediaToday, Wikipedia, Buffer, SocialMediaExaminer, Investopedia, and so on.

Can you ever dream of outranking Wikipedia not to even talk of SocialMediaToday which is in the first position on that ranking list?

Since this isn’t possible, you’ll have to opt for a low-competitive niche.

And in the example we cited above, we consider “social media marketing” as a more specific niche than “social media”.

So, let’s test the monthly search volume for “social media marketing”, using UberSuggest, and see if the niche is less competitive for a new blog.


As seen in the image above, the “social media marketing” niche has a 40,500 monthly search volume, which means the competition is low.

The second image shows that the SEO difficulty for carving a niche for your blog in “social media marketing” is 43% difficult.

And that is fair enough for a new blog.


In fact, the average website that ranks in the top 10 for this niche has 496 backlinks and a domain score of 92.


Compared to the “social media” niche which has 135,000 monthly search volumes, we can see that carving your blog niche in “social media marketing” is more promising.

TEST #2. Can you penetrate the competition?

During your niche validation process, you need to know who are your competitors and get an insight into the possibility of penetrating the competition.

This doesn’t mean you’ll examine your competitors one after the other.

An SEO audit you carry out on a niche will reveal who are the competitors and what is the SEO difficulty of penetrating the competition.

So, to penetrate competition in blogging, you have to be sure the SEO difficulty of your niche is not too high.

The SEO difficulty of a niche depends on the domain strength or score, resulting from the accumulated backlinks of an average website (a competitor) ranking for the niche.

So, the higher the SEO difficulty, the tougher the competition for you.

That is, if the SEO difficulty of the overall niche is too much, you’re not likely going to penetrate the competition.

For that reason, you might need to consider another niche with lower SEO difficulty.

If you wonder why settling for less when there is a niche with a massive search volume, then let me clear something for you.

The profitability of a blog niche is not about its high search volume but its viability. That is why you need to consider your chances of penetrating the competition.

Most beginners find it difficult to stick to low-competition niches because they don’t attract as many prospects as high-competition niches.

When it comes to finding a profitable blog niche, it’s quite awful seeing some people choosing a high blog niche. That is one of the mistakes that I’ve ever seen many wannabe entrepreneurs make.

That is exactly because no high-competition niches, in reality, are profitable for new bloggers.

TEST #3. Is the niche profitable?

If you intend to monetize your blog, then during your niche validation exercise you should find out if your niche is profitable.

This is not based on the income that other people who are already in the niche generate from their blogs.

That is why all bloggers don’t earn equally.

Otherwise, every news blogger would make as much money as Arianna Huffington makes from her blog – HuffPost.


In this discussion so far, we’ve said a lot on COMPETITION and PROFIT, and I believe you’ve seen their importance to blogging.

Before you can determine which niche is most profitable, you need to distinguish between a high and low-competition niche.

This can help you identify where opportunities lie between the two. Even at this, you can’t be conclusive.

You need to find out the possibility of a niche to attract a meaningful partnership with other brands.

A profitable niche should be able to offer affiliate marketing, advertising, sponsorship, Google AdSense services, and so on.

TEST #4. What is the monetization potential of the niche?

Just like we humans, blogs too perform differently. If you end up choosing the wrong niche for your blog, making money from it might be difficult.

One of the primary factors that hinder most bloggers from monetizing their blogs is the fact that their niches are not monetizable.

Some niches have the potential to sell both products and services relevant to them, while some can’t but only sell either services or products and some can’t even sell anything at all.

This means a niche that can sell both services and products has more desiring potential than the other.

Take for instance, not all blog niches are eligible for Google AdSense. An adult niche, for example, doesn’t have such a monetization potential.

So, all you can do is to investigate how other people in your niche have monetized their own blogs and take note of their monetization strategies.

You can monetize a blog with targeted advertising, in-app purchases, membership subscriptions, gamification, affiliate programs, and so on.

This is just to have a clue on how your niche can generate different streams of income for you through your blog.

Your findings, however, will certainly help you determine the best monetization model suitable for your niche.

TEST #5. Do you have a passion for the niche?

You need to check if you have a passion for the niche by evaluating your interests and strengths to pursue the niche as a career.

Although this is not the stage to take a final decision.

Assuming you have up to 10 proposed niches on your validation list, you should by now have an idea of what your final blog niche will be.

While you’re carrying out your validation test and realize that a niche is becoming more feasible, your passion for the niche has to be tested.

Should in case you have no passion for the niche, would you drop the niche and go for the one next to it, but which isn’t as profitable as the former?

That isn’t smart enough.

So, all you have to do is to find your path through the best niche.


As found in Ikigai, the Japanese concept of “a reason for being”, anything that drives you into committing an action can make you find your path in life.

This can happen when you combine your passion, mission, vocation, or profession.

So, you may decide to choose a blog niche because you love it, you’re good at it, you can use it to offer the kind of service the world needs and it’s something that people can pay for.

When you don’t feel like doing something and you remember why you started it in the first place, maybe because of the profit in it, you won’t stop.

For this reason, you must be able to build your passion upon identifying how the niche can change your life for good.

Meanwhile, you can consider the following best practices:

  • Discover your hopes and dreams – To make your hopes and dreams trigger your passion for a blog niche, you need a lot of creativity. That makes it very important to find out how you can leverage your hopes and dreams to pursue a niche. Whatever your dream, experience, fear, failure, success, connection, expertise or talent is can transform your niche into a more viable job or career.
  • Discover your core values – These are your beliefs, understanding, or philosophy about life that you found so endearing. So, prioritize them.
  • Identify why the niche is important – It’s possible not to have passion for a blog niche if you don’t have the right knowledge about the niche. Kudos to you for carrying out a validation test on your niche. Your findings won’t be complete without knowing the importance of the niche. If the niche is actually beneficial, let your mind be open to those great things about it.
  • Find a mentor – Do your research to find a few other people who are already covering the niche and listen to their stories. Open your mind to love their works and find something that can motivate you about them.

This will surely trigger your passion and you’ll find your path in the niche.

TEST #6. Do you have the skills or knowledge required in the niche?

Change is constant in blogging as it is in business generally.

This doesn’t only show you that blogging itself is a serious business, but why competence matters in everything worth doing.

One way or the other, there must be something that you need to learn to foresee threats or opportunities in every change.

For example, when Google rolls out a new search engine algorithm update, every website needs to adjust to the change in order to remain relevant and visible on the search engine result pages (SERPs).

These algorithms have gone through many changes over the years in order to improve the quality of search results… MOZ

As a result of this, the entire World Wide Web (WWW) experiences a constant change and every blogger has one or two new things to learn and improve their search appearance.

Apart from this technical SEO knowledge, you also need to acquire all the necessary on-the-job training (OJT) and harness your professional skills.

As everything about blogging is sharing quality content, your blog will be shallow if you don’t upgrade yourself with current information.

You need to identify what professional skill or knowledge you need to cover a niche competently.

Assuming you find a “news niche” viable and you know nothing about journalism, acquiring some professional skills will help you go a long way.

If you lack some good qualities of a journalist or qualities of a good blogger, competing with the professionals in the industry will be hard.

As a result of this, the niche will be null and void, no matter how profitable it is.

What I’m saying in essence is that you can opt for a niche you know nothing about if the niche is viable.

However, because you need to be sure that you have the knowledge to carry out the niche professionally, there is a need for this validation test.

Just because you’re not a journalist doesn’t mean you can’t choose a news niche for your blog.

In this case, all you need to do is highlight all the areas for improvement in the niche and get the skill.

You can search the web for necessary information and tutorials.

If your planning is effective, there is room for improvement as you go by on the niche.

TEST #7. Who is your target audience?

Your effort in learning how to find a profitable blog niche is incomplete if you can’t identify your audience.

That calls for the need to validate a blog niche based on your ability to identify who your target audiences are and prioritize them.

For every blog niche, there are different unique audiences.

You can find out about your target audience by identifying who will benefit most from the niche.

If your niche is on parenting, both men and women are your target audiences. And based on their interests and demographic differences you can focus on them.

Carrying out this test will prepare you for the niche by ensuring you have the ability to deliver what the audience wants.

In case there are things you need to do, it won’t be accidental to find out about them by the time the need arises.

You can use Google to determine what exactly is the audience looking for.

You can do this by analyzing what is common in Google’s related search queries to your niche.

Let’s say your niche is “startups” and you search Google for that niche, Google will offer you some clues on what other things the people searching for “startups” also need.


Apart from the long list of results that Google throws back to you, you’ll see other related questions – “people also ask”.

That shows that those related questions are very important to people searching Google to find out about “startups”.

Take note of those crucial questions and find out how others have extensively treated them. Then be prepared to treat those questions better on your own blog.

If those questions are what your audience wants, you can’t run from them.

STEP #3. Put your findings to use

This is the stage to decide on which profitable niche to choose for your blog among all the niche ideas you propose.

Go to the list of niche ideas we created during the first step of this exercise and carry out all the blog niche validation tests as suggested above.

With this approach, I’m sure you’ll find the best and most profitable niche among all the niches you propose.

To be sure about the winner, ensure the niche passes all the validation tests.

So, now you can start your new blog by sticking to that niche.

Conclusion on Profitable Blog Niche with Low Competition

If you’ve already gotten an idea of what you want to blog about, that is great. Otherwise, you can learn how to find a profitable niche for your blog by reading this post.

You’re definitely the one to decide on which blog niche to choose for your blog.

Although, some examples are covered in this guide.

If you don’t have any clue yet on what to blog about, find any of those examples and carry out a validation process on the niche.

You need to reassess how you have come up with your niche idea and be certain the niche is actually the right one for your blog.

In case there is an error in what you have chosen, use this guide to master the process and make things right.

The factors to consider while carrying out the validation process include the size of the niche, competitors, monetization potential, skills required in the niche, your target audience, and so on.

The whole validation process has been discussed extensively in this post. You can just explore the information contained and put the guide to use.

#Profitable Blog Niche with Low Competition


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