Postal code

Postal Code of all States in Nigeria

After Reading This Post, You Will Know the Postal Code for the Nigeria States

Postal code refers to strings of numbers that help the postal services to determine where mail are being sent to.

Postal code helps to simplify the task of delivering post to its destination.

All nations over the world use postal codes. Although the systems and formats vary, the endpoint is that they all simplify the job of the postmaster.

Knowing and understanding what postal code is, the table below contains the Postal Code of all states in Nigeria.

Postal Code for the Nigeria States

States Postal Code
Abuja Nigeria 900001
Abia State 440001
Adamawa State 640001
Akwa-Ibom State 520001
Anambra State 420001
Bauchi State 740001
Borno State 600001
Delta State 320001
Ebonyi State 840001
Edo State 300001
Enugu State 400001
Imo State 460001
Jigawa State 720001
Kano State 700001
Kaduna State 800001
Katsina State 820001
Kebbi State 860001
Kogi State 260001
Kwara State 240001
Lagos State  (Island) 101001
Lagos State (Mainland) 100001
Niger State 920001
Ogun State 110001
Ondo State 340001
Osun State 230001
Oyo State 200001
Plateau State 930001
Rivers State 500001
Sokoto State 840001
Taraba State 660001
Yobe State 320001

The table above contains the postal code or zip code of all the states in Nigeria. It is very important always to know your postal code.

If most forms people fill out nowadays, especially online zip code is always requested. Knowing these codes will save you the time of researching.

It will be of utmost importance for you to bookmark this page so it won’t be an issue for you anytime you wish to get these codes.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between postal code and zip code?

The two codes are basically the same terms of purpose. The major difference is that the term Zip code is mainly used in the USA, while the postal code term is used by other countries.

What is the full meaning of ZIP as in ZIP code?

What it means when someone says a “ZIP code”

  • Z stands for Zone
  • I stand for Improvement
  • P stands for Plan.

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