Increase Your YouTube Views

18 Influential Ways to Increase Your YouTube Views

Are you struggling to get more views on your YouTube channel?

Guess what, you are not alone, and you will find your solution here.

Many content creators find it challenging to stand out in the sea of videos uploaded every minute. But don’t worry—there are proven strategies that can help you increase your YouTube views and grow your audience.

Whether you’re just starting or a seasoned YouTuber looking to boost your numbers, this guide will walk you through the most influential ways to get more eyeballs on your content.

YouTube’s Algorithm

The first step in increasing your YouTube views is understanding how the platform’s algorithm works. YouTube’s algorithm is designed to recommend videos that are most likely to keep viewers engaged.

It considers factors like watch time, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and click-through rate (CTR) when deciding which videos to promote.

Knowing this, you should focus on creating content that keeps viewers watching until the end and encourages them to engage with your video.

The more your video meets these criteria, the more likely it is to be recommended by YouTube’s algorithm, leading to more views.

Brand Appearance

Brand Appearance is the first thing that any startup needs. No matter whether you are starting up a company, a store, a website, a blog, or a YouTube channel, it needs a brand reputation.

So before starting a YouTube channel always create a branded logo, profile pic, and banner image for your new channel.

As soon as you have all these images for your channel create a channel and add these to their respective places and then you need to follow the remaining ideas mentioned below.

Plan and Script

Before creating a YouTube channel, you need to plan the idea. It’s not just a channel but will be your livelihood soon if you want.

Just don’t follow any of the trends like comedy or memes. Just do what you want to do or what you are good at, it will help you in the long run.

After you plan your channel niche then start creating the video for that. After you are done with the video shooting or creation just prepare a script for it.

Planning a script will help you to stay focused on your content and make your video more bound to your audience. A well–written script holds you on the track of your video and doesn’t let you fall somewhere else off the topic.

Quality Content

In the field of earning money online, Content is always the King. So you can’t compromise on the quality of the content. It’s the quality content that will earn you long-term visitors and subscribers.

Be unique with your videos and make them quality videos always by using the best camera or gadget to shoot the video.

More than 100 hours of videos are uploaded to YouTube and almost one–third of the people over the internet are YouTube users.

Many are out there who just steal the videos and then repost them making some amendments to the content. So just try to be unique and original, this will never let you down in the long run.

Accurate File Name

Whenever you start to upload a video on your YouTube channel, the first thing you need to do is to name the file accurately. There is no point in using a file name DCSVideo_3456.mp4 in a video about how to use a Pogo–stick video.

So always try to use the keywords as the file name for the video that you are going to upload.

This means you should name the file “how to use pogo stick.mp4” instead of the raw file name which is something awkward like “Cam_Video_4724.mp4” Not only it doesn’t make any sense but it also not good to be used as the file name without a keyword.

It is always best to add your main focused keyword in your video file name.

Awesome Titles

Then comes the titles and they always need to be awesome. Write some catchy headlines for your YouTube videos that people will click on out of curiosity.

Drop the idea of writing “video” in the title of your video and don’t forget to add the focusing and supportive keywords in your title.

Always give the audience an idea of what they are going to see in the video and never play with them using false titles.

Also, never make the title so descriptive that it will go beyond the real title length.

Always try to use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner to see what people are searching for or watching on YouTube.

Great Video Description

Titles are not the only part of YouTube SEO, the video description is another part of it. It is very important to use your main keyword in the video description in such a way that it makes sense. Don’t use the keywords very often and unnecessarily.

Don’t overwrite your video descriptions as it is very important when it comes to search queries. Your viewer will have a look at the description of the video when he makes a search for it and falls on your video link. So make it short and simple with a sneak peek of the video and what it is all about.

Never try to be over-smart and use the same description now and then or don’t try to do keyword stuffing as it will harm your channel very soon.

If necessary, try to give a link in the description to your blog or any channel you are collaborating with.

Proper Meta Tags

Just another SEO part here is the use of proper meta tags for your video. Once again try the keyword research tool and have a look at the keywords that can be used as an alternative to your video title and use them in your video’s meta tag.

In this way, you are gaining the chances of getting searched by the people either by the title or by the tags too.

So just discover the best keywords for the meta tags and use them but once again play safe and don’t overdo the use of meta tags. The overuse of tags or keywords will hit your channel hard and you will be left repenting on your foolishness.

Also, don’t follow the tactics that many low–quality YouTube creators do i.e. don’t copy and paste the tags from your competitors now and then. Instead, just discover your own keywords to use as the meta tags for your video.

Custom Thumbnail

Don’t just confine to the randomly generated thumbnails for your video. Try out the different and classy thumbnails of your own. The custom thumbnail is something that you need to use and make the appearance of your video superb.

The combination of a well-written compelling headline and custom thumbnail will help the click-through rate (CTR) of your video. You can also add some text called annotation to your custom thumbnail that makes the users understand what the video is all about.


Have you ever seen the pop-ups during a video on the top or bottom of the video those are called the annotations.

They are really helpful if taken into consideration properly. They can help your viewers to stay for long on your channel as the annotation is a call to action button and it links one video to another.

In that way, the user will be driven to your more and more videos and will get more chances to earn well.

The annotation linking of the videos will be very good if you use it wisely, don’t annoy the user with too much of annotation in a single video. Annotation is a boon for YouTube creators don’t make it forfeit by excessive use.

Try out to link the videos similar to the ones the viewer is viewing and then this annotation feature of YouTube will help you in a better way.

Intro and Outro

After the brand image for our YouTube channel in the profile image, banner image, and logo you need some more branding. Intro here stands for the introduction part of your video and it will be played each time in the beginning of a video.

Outro stands for the ending part of your video and it will be played every time a video ends. So it is very important to brand your video with the intro and outro parts.

This will make each of your videos a professional one. There are many free tools that will let you create an intro and an outro for your YouTube videos.

But if you don’t find them attractive you can create one yourself or spend a small amount of money on it, after all, it will make your YouTube channel or video look like professional.

Encourage the Audience

Always try to end the video on a high note. Make the ending of the video a memorable one and leave the user with the surprise of what your next video will bring. Also, at the end of the video encourage the audience to Like, Comment on your video, and mainly subscribe to your Channel.

It is all up to you as you have to ask the viewers to like and comment on your video if they like it.

They have to subscribe to the channel if they like the video and want to get notifications when future videos will be uploaded by you.

More will be the subscribers more will be the chances of getting huge views on each of your videos.

Social Sharing

There are more than 3.3 billion social media active users across the globe. And every internet user might have at least five social media accounts. Every day around 1 million active mobile users are joining the social media platforms.

So the above stats are enough to make you realize that sharing is caring. It is very essential these days to share your newly added content to various social media sites.

In this age where social media is at the top, you should share your videos to all the social media sites as soon as you publish them.

Also, it will add value to your brand image if you are present there on almost most of the social media platforms.

You can even use the advertisement process on Twitter, Facebook, or Google Ads.

With too many shares, likes, and comments on social media platforms, the social signal count for your video will increase and this will help your video be discoverable in the search engines.

Good Uploading Frequency (Consistency)

After uploading your first video don’t just sit back and relax. Try to plan out the next video as soon as possible. Google always likes the fresh, viral, and latest content.

So try to upload often with the unique video. I know this is not easy to make/shoot a video in a few hours or days. Sometimes it takes a week or even months to crack an idea and then deal with it and finally shoot it perfectly.

But you have to make it a habit of uploading a video as fast as you can. YouTube subscribers always hate a channel if it is not producing the videos quite often.

Once you are known for the consistency then keep that up forever. This means that if you upload a video every week then try to upload one every week not delay it most by one day from the actual schedule.

Interaction with Audience

Don’t just be bound to ask the viewers to like and comment on videos and just subscribe to your channel only. You need to interact with your audience because the audience is the god to us.

It is all due to the presence of the audience that I am blogging here and you are reading it out. Similar will be the case with your YouTube channel, it will grow and keep on growing only if you are satisfying the needs of the audience.

So you need to interact with them in the comments. Answer their queries, solve their problems, and consider their requests.

Though there might be some badass people too who will just be there to make some obscene comments or the other way around but just leave them and ignore them, all you need to do is to stay connected to your loyal fans.

Loyal fans are those who are asking you for some help, who are there with some questions, problems or even suggestions for your channel. Listen to them. Care for them and they will love it and will care for your YouTube channel.


Collaboration is the easy part somewhat but not totally. All you need to do is to find the best channels related to your niche and then just invite them to collaborate.

If the best in the industry doesn’t give you the opportunity then go for the rising/developing channel. Then you just need to make a guest appearance in their videos and return, they will make a guest appearance in your videos.

This is a win-win situation as both of you share your fan base and that will add extra subscribers and views.

You can’t only collaborate with channels that are like yours but you can also collaborate with those who are providing solutions for your products.

For example, if your channel is about new laptops and you find a channel with laptop repairs then you two can collaborate with each other and give the guest appearance on each other’s channel.


Blogging is growing very fast these days. And you can also take advantage of it as it will help your rankings in the search engines. Try to write a blog post about each of your videos in detail and you can also add more tips on the topic.

After that, you need to embed your YouTube video in that blog post and it will help you to rank faster in the search engines.

With this, if someone is searching for any query in Google and it will show the blog post result but not the YouTube channel video then you will benefit by the presence of the blog post as there is your video embedded in it too.

So the user will get both the blog post and the video for the answer to his/her query.


A giveaway is also a better option for your viewers. In return for their regular engagement to your YouTube channel, you can give away something to them. The users will love it and will always be eager to have a look at the next video.

You can also run a contest for the giveaway and then decide the winner and give him a special gift which might be a shirt, a watch, or something related to your niche with your logo printed on it. This idea will also advertise your brand when the winner of the contest or giveaway will use that gift.


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