Effects of SEO

Effects of SEO on Bloggers – Main Disadvantages of SEO

While I was writing my previous post, I discovered that I was considering more SEO than the content message because of the competitive nature of the topic, which made me sit and write this post which I termed the effects of SEO on bloggers.

What is SEO

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization; it is a practice done by webmasters and online content writers to increase and improve both the quality and quantity of their website traffic via organic search engine results.

SEO can be on-page, off-page, or both.

Off-page SEO deals with SEO skills done outside a website that will impact the traffic and ranking of the website positively, while on-page SEO involves the skills and tricks done on the website – especially within the contents, which boosts the site ranking and traffic as well.

In this post, I will be limiting it only to on-page SEO, as it has affected people’s ways of writing.

Adverse Effects of SEO on Bloggers

When I was a kid in elementary school, I thought about how to write – so that whoever was reading my content would understand it easily.

But now the case has changed, instead of writing for easy understanding, bloggers write to impress the search engines, they make use of what they call keywords, backlinks, tags, and other SEO skills that reflect on the post content.

They do this in such a way search engines will understand their content better, just because they want their content to rank high on the search engine’s result page.

Who do Bloggers Write For, Humans or Search Engine Robots?

The question above is a relative one. Over 80% of bloggers write for bots without even knowing it.


This is because the best way to locate content on the web is via the search engine.

With that mindset, bloggers and online content writers prefer to write for search engine robots, and when a blogger refuses to adhere to this On-Page SEO principle, they start losing their site traffic.

Every blogger has a target audience, but they prefer to write in a way the search engine will understand putting their audience second.

Although this is sad, they do it to get more audience with the help of search engines.

As a new blogger if you do not consider SEO, then expect your blog or content to go nowhere.

Who Can Stop This Problem?

Due to competition, bloggers, and online content, writers are not ready to adjust. Most of them earn their daily bread online so adjusting will affect their income level.

The only people who have the power to stop this issue are search engine companies, especially the big ones like Google, Bing, Yahoo, Ask, and Yandex.

These big search engine companies have to look for else ways of locating high-quality content, which should have nothing to do with the manner of content writing.

They should know that the best quality contents related to each keyword are mostly not even found on their first-page result, sometimes these contents are not yet found at all. There is a need for improvement in this regard.

Disadvantages of SEO

The disadvantages of SEO come with consideration; therefore, we can refer to them as effects of SEO or problems of SEO. 

1. It can make web content lose their taste

As we can see in the explanation above, people choose SEO to the detriment of online content.

They play with keywords and change their patterns of writing in a way they will be ranked for as many keywords as possible.

They go as far as linking to web pages that are not related to the reading content, just because they want to create as many backlinks as possible, be it internal or external backlinks.

2. It changes the mentality of how bloggers write

When bloggers have written so many online articles using the necessary SEO skills, they might end up getting so used to that way of writing – and this will affect their style of writing formally, just as the way online chat abbreviations have most students way of writing.

It is something alarming for now, else in decades to come it may be a big issue. Maybe by then, the English language might adopt “keywords” and “backlinks” to their parts of speech lol!

3. It does not guarantee high ranking all the time

One sad thing is that even after writing with these presumed SEO skills, you may still end up not ranking for it.

There is no guarantee that you will rank high for implementing SEO skills, although, there are tendencies.

Now the big question is, “When everyone implements equal SEO skills to their online content, how will the search engines respond to it?”

4. You can get penalized for over-optimization

If your content is over-optimized content, the search is likely not to display it on their result page.

This over-optimization is to make web content not lose its taste, but I expect it to get more rigid – so, people will adhere more to it.

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