Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

The Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

Here you will know the Difference Between WordPress.com and WordPress.org

WordPress is a content management system, perfect for building blogs. It can also be used for creating static and dynamic websites.

WordPress comes in two options, which can be so confusing.

We have the “free” WordPress.com and the “self-hosted” WordPress.org. Some people still don’t know the major differences between both.

If you are reading this, you probably wondering what the difference between WordPress.org and WordPress.com is, or you want to know which you should choose for your business.

In this post, we shall learn the major differences between the two types of WordPress platforms.

Difference between WordPress.com and WordPress.org


WordPress.com provides a free blog.

On wordpress.com, you don’t need to pay for hosting or a domain; under this platform, your site will be hosted on a WordPress server as a subdomain.

You also don’t need to pay for plugins, because you are not allowed to use them. As well, editing the back-end of the site is not possible.

WordPress.com gives a free hosting solution, without the ability of less customization. It is easier to use but limited in options and functionality.

Pros of WordPress.com

  • It is much easier to set up than self-hosted WordPress. The whole setup can be done in a few munites.
  • It is hosted on a WordPress server free of charge. Users don’t have to pay a dime.
  • It allows you to choose an available subdomain for free (yoursite.wordpress.com). You won’t have to pay for a domain name for life.
  • It does its search engine optimization (SEO) automatically. You don’t have to install any plugin in this regard. The best you can do for better SEO is to create backlinks to your free WordPress site on other domains, and target keywords.

Cons of WordPress.com

  • Plugins can not be uploaded. Like self-hosted WordPress where you can install as many plugins as you wish to.
  • It doesn’t allow the use of custom third-party themes. You can only choose from the themes that are available on the “Add New” plugin page.
  • Blogs or websites under this platform can’t easily be monetized. The platform makes it very hard to monetize your site.
  • Can’t edit the code behind the blog


On the other hand, WordPress.org gives you the privilege to download free WordPress software to install it on your server.


It allows the use of plugins and third-party themes. It gives you full access to the codes and to perform further customization – without any limitation.

When you hear that ‘WordPress can be used to build all kinds of websites,’ it is the WordPress.org there are talking about.

Thousands of premium and free plugins have been developed under this platform – to ease web development. Over 50% of self websites in the world, today make use of WordPress.org.

Pros of WordPress.org

  • It gives the ability to upload themes from a third-party, and even further customize the theme.
  • Plugins and widgets can also be uploaded and activated at any point, without restriction.
  • It allows easy monetization of your site. On almost all types of add networks.
  • It gives permission to perform all functionalities as you wish.
  • Its codes at the back-end can be accessed and manipulated anyhow.
  • Proper SEO can be done to make your site rank very well.
  • Can be used to build different types of sites, whether static or dynamic.

Cons of WordPress.org

  • It may be expensive to host it on a server. But the privilege your get is worth it.
  • The service of a WordPress developer may be needed to customize it. You will have to pay for the services.
  • You will have to buy a domain name to locate it on the web.
  • It is prone to issues like spam and threats from hackers.
  • Regular backup is highly recommended to keep your file safe.
  • Will have to undergo the installation process to set it up.


WordPress.com and WordPress.org are similar but different in their operations, functionalities, and limitations. Which one to choose will depend on what you want.

If you are an occasional blogger, who doesn’t care about making money from a blog – you may want to go for WordPress.com.

But if you need to make money from your blog and as well have 100% control of your blog, then WordPress.org will be perfect for you.

Not just that, WordPress.org with the help of plugins and further customization can be used to build a static and dynamic site.


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