blog ideas

Top 5 Best Blog Ideas That Make Money In 2024

The joy of every blogger is to make money blogging. However, it’s important to know the kind of blog ideas that make money.

To start a blog is a lot of investment.

And if you’re for profit, you need to blog about profitable ideas.

Bloggers pay so much money to web hosting companies to retain their blogs.

In fact, the cost of buying a premium WordPress theme, maintaining your blog, doing SEO, and running CPC ads is also there.

If you consider all the expenses, you won’t be happy if there is no return on your investment.

This is the result of not knowing how to make money blogging.

With the following tips on blog ideas to make money, you can be sleeping and making money while someone is reading your content.

Is that not your dream as a blogger?

So, all you have to do to make that dream come true is to focus on relevant blog niche topics that make money.

In this post, you’ll learn which blog ideas to write about and start smiling to the bank.

There are so many profitable blog niche ideas to make money.

But for different reasons which include lack of skill, passion, diligence, patience, and so on, not all profitable ideas can be profitable for you.

So, you can’t say because your friend is a successful affiliate marketer, you too will make money if you join him.

That is why we see so many people quitting when they fail to make money from their blogs.

This makes it very important to first know how to choose the perfect niche for you.

If you find a blog niche that interests you, before dabbling into it, you should be able to know if its outcome would be a success.

For that reason, let me show you how to find the perfect blog niche ideas for you before discussing the top blog topics that make the most money.

How to choose your perfect blog niche?

Blogging is a serious business on its own, you have to know that. And to lessen your troubles, you need to know how to find the perfect blog idea for yourself.

You don’t have to be trying all possible blog niches.

All you have to do is to find any idea that suits your audience and establish yourself in that.

If you have great writing skills, a high traffic rate, and a wide online presence but don’t plan well and take advantage of your resources, making a profit from your blog might not be possible.

If you want to make money blogging, it’s very important to consider blog topics that have the prospects to bring you to the limelight.

It’s important to have a passion for blogging or have an interest in a particular blog niche idea, but that alone isn’t enough.

To choose a profitable blog niche idea, you must put all factors into consideration.

Consider what people like to read, not what you like to write.

What people want to read usually becomes a profitable blog topic that makes the most money.

So, writing for passion without giving consideration to profit can lead you to nowhere if your blog is for profit.

Passion fuels your desire to write more and more, then profit dictates to you what blog topics to write and share with your audience.

Pro tip:

When you write for profit, the value becomes your priority. But when you write for passion, you only write to satisfy your urge.

Writing for profit will create different avenues for you to meet the dire needs of your audience and make a lot of money in the act.

That may not be easy sometimes if you don’t have the skill or knowledge to write about what is trending.

But yet you can’t because of that, be writing on what your audience doesn’t want to read.

If you have less knowledge about what is trending, you should get some soft training and upgrade your skills.

With the right knowledge, you should be able to choose the blog niche idea that captures in detail the problem of your audience.

So, what are these profitable blog ideas that make the most money?

Are you still wondering what are the best blog ideas that make money, let’s look at what I’ve got for you.

After a thorough research, I found out that most blog topics under the following niches usually go viral on the internet.

There are chances you make more money if your blog covers any of the following niches:

Affiliate marketing through product or service reviews

You can go into affiliate marketing to help other businesses promote their products and services.

This blog idea doesn’t mean you work for others for free.

The system allows you to earn a commission while promoting other businesses on your blog. Meanwhile, the commission is based on a certain percentage or rate that you sign.

According to Themeisle, affiliate marketing, until now, is the biggest pot of wealth on the internet but takes the least attention among other blog niche ideas to make money online.

How it works?

Affiliate marketing is as simple as a way of promoting a product or service for other companies and earning commissions.

Most bloggers who are into affiliate marketing write and publish product reviews on their blogs to make money from this idea.

It requires placing an affiliate link on some strategic places on your blog.

When an audience clicks the link, he will be sent to the website of the affiliate company. And if he makes a purchase, you earn.

Since consumers now rely on product reviews, many people now base their purchasing decisions on what they read online.

As a blogger, writing product reviews tops the list of the most profitable blog ideas that make money.

So, you can make your first $1000 as a starter from this blog niche.

How to find affiliate opportunities

There are two ways to do this:

  1. Random searching
  2. Affiliate Networks
Random searching

You can find an affiliate opportunity by searching online.

Do a Google search with your business idea to find affiliate opportunities within your niche.

Assuming your business idea is yoga, then search Google using “Yoga Affiliate Program”.

From the search result, you can find a list of companies that offer affiliate programs on that niche.

So, click on any of the search results to begin with.

Affiliate networks

An affiliate network contains a list or collection of companies offering affiliate opportunities for content marketers.

Example are:

  1. Click Bank
  2. ShareASale
  3. Commission Junction
  4. AffBank

Assuming you click Click Bank, go to the bottom of the page and click “Affiliate”.

Then sign up for your package.

If you want to deal in WordPress-related products and services which is very lucrative, you would need to affiliate with companies that produce or sell WordPress themes, plugins, hosting, content delivery network (CDN), security and maintenance, and so on.

Another profitable blog niche idea to make money is accepting or writing sponsored posts on your blog.

Some brands offer you money to write for them and publish the post on your blog or elsewhere.

That blog niche idea is called sponsored post service.

However, writing a paid sponsored post is one of the best blog ideas to make money online.

So, this can be a great opportunity for you if your writing skill is superb.

There are many companies out there that need someone to write a few words about them or about their products or services or clients and pay.

If you’re lucky to have massive traffic on your blog, your sponsored posts can make you a ton of fortune.

So many brands will queue up to have you write about them on your blog.

How to find sponsored post opportunities?

There are 3 ways to find sponsored post opportunities:

  1. Use influencer networks
  2. Advertise your traffic rate
  3. Join sponsored post groups on Facebook or Twitter
Use search engines

You can use Google to find influencer networks. With that approach, you’ll find marketing companies such as TapInfluence looking for bloggers to write for them.

If you meet their requirements, then you’re good to go.

Make your traffic rate known to attract sponsorship.

That can make brands that know your worth do business with you. A good traffic rate attracts prospects.

Join sponsored post groups on Facebook or Twitter

Go to Facebook and search for sponsored post groups, you will find a list of different groups suitable for you.

There you have the privilege to promote your traffic rate and attract companies pitching for sponsored posts.

The point to note here is that your website or blog must have a good traffic rate before advertisers can pay you for a sponsored post.

Traffic matters a lot for doing sponsored posts. So, go get good traffic or no deal.

But note that it’s an SEO good practice of writing sponsored posts that requires you to indicate a post is a sponsored post by using the rel=” sponsored” link attribute.

Selling digital products


We arrived at digital products in the bid to avoid the complexity involved in selling physical products due to time wastage, cost of shipping, inventory management, and meeting regulatory laws and taxes to sell at both local and international markets.

Meanwhile, one of the top blog ideas to make money online is putting your knowledge, ideas, skills, talent, and expertise in a digital or shareable form.

This idea gives you the opportunity to create and sell your own digital products through your blog or another marketer or agency.

Digital products, however, are convenient to produce as no physical raw materials are needed.

No need to reproduce but to continue redistributing your products across every possible eCommerce website.

Digital products include:

  • eBooks
  • Software
  • Videos
  • Podcast
  • Music
  • Photography
  • Graphics
  • Digital art
  • Documents
  • Courses
  • Tickets
  • Fonts.

What digital product can you sell?

Steve Pressfield used to work as an advertiser, writing for toothpaste or dog food until he wrote an eBook he called The War of Art.

He sells the book on his website and also on an online bookstore called FastPencil.

You can be like Steven Pressfield, write, publish, and sell your own experience in the form of an eBook to your audience.

If you don’t have your own digital product, you can buy or resell other people’s products or pay an expert to create a product for you and sell it on your own.

You can make a lot of money doing this.

How to get reselling opportunities?

Reselling digital products is possible by joining an affiliate program that offers such opportunities.

If you intend to resell an eBook, you can write directly to the author to give you the right to resell his product.

Professional services

Blog ideas that make money for professionals online include graphic designing, web designing, copywriting, consulting, training, coaching, legal practices, and so on.

There is no significant difference between “product” and “service” in an eCommerce setting.

If you try to compare the two, don’t be surprised you won’t see any difference.

According to EasyDigitalDownloads, the difference between “product” and “service” is difficult to perceive as most customers use both interchangeably.

While some come online to buy a ready-made logo, others would only come online and pay a freelancer to make a new one for them from scratch.

At the end of the day, both the two categories of customers would share the same experience and the same end result.

They both pay and receive their logo projects online.

Meanwhile, professional service remains one of the blog ideas that make money fast this year.

So, whatever skill you have can be offered to people who need your service online.

What you do is sell your time in exchange for a certain outcome, result, or product.

Whenever I have an issue with my website, I hire a freelancer to help me solve the problem since I can’t afford to employ an expert permanently.

That is the circumstance most people find themselves these days.

So, if you are looking for profitable blog ideas to make money, think of what service you can provide and get paid.

How to find opportunities online as a service provider?

First of all, you have to identify your area of specialization, and then follow these two methods:

  1. Social media
  2. Freelance networks
Social media


Make your business page perfectly working on Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, and so on for effective customer service.

If you have an existing Facebook Business Page, follow these steps to optimize your page for business.

You can also set up your Instagram Business Account following these step-by-step guides.

Since all kinds of service providers are now coming online to sell their services, your presence on social media can help you reach your potential customers.

Join freelance networks

Freelancer networks can also help you pitch for potential customers online.

Examples of such are Freelancer and Fiverr.

You can visit any of them and sign up to have an account.

Life coach

Last but not least of most profitable blog ideas to make money fast online is helping people fulfill their life purposes.

Sometimes people only need someone to tell them “Do this!” and doing so would make their lives turn around in the blink of an eye.

Do you know that merely telling someone “Think Big” can make his life better?

So, if you have a special way of talking to people and helping them find meaning in their lives, that can fetch you a lot of money online.

The same message can be used by anyone irrespective of age, race, and belief.

This blog idea is evergreen.

But, you can’t be doing this for fun of course.

Someone having marriage or relationship issues can be your audience.

In fact, people with chronic diseases won’t make a bad choice if your blog as a life coach gives them hope to live.

Even at the corporate level, your work can help business managers correct interpersonal relationship problems – bad attitude to work and all sorts.

“Nothing is impossible to a willing heart” – John Heywood

Do you remember that quote?

I got accustomed to it when I was 13 and until now, it still remains my best guide.

As a life coach, you don’t need to spend your entire life to be a John Heywood, but yet you can still make money from such an existing popular phrase.

It all depends on your style.

There are life coaches who have millions of followers or subscribers who read their quotes.

The quotes might not be their original works, but being creative with those words fetches them six figures.

According to PennyHoarder, “The list of specialties is long and the best life coaches dedicate themselves to a niche they’re passionate about”.

As the central issues discussed by life coaches are life-related, the niche helps people develop their dream careers, manage loving relationships, navigate most personal problems troubling their minds, and improve their well-being morally, mentally, and spiritually.

The demand for this niche is very high but only a few bloggers toe the line.

Consequently, the niche is less competitive.

How to get opportunities as a life coach

Using your blog to educate, teach, and mentor your audience can give you a lot of opportunities which include selling your products or other people’s products that can help your target audience solve their problems.

  1. Brand influencer
  2. Direct sales
Brand influencer

You can use your influence or popularity to help other big businesses influence their sales.

If your audience trusts you, they will buy whatever products or services you recommend to them as long as they are relevant.

Direct sales

You can’t be giving out everything for free. And at the same time, you can’t be selling everything.

If you have a special book you have written on a particular problem, selling it to your audience will fetch you money as well.

One thing that is certain is most people come online to search for a solution.

And if what you offer them is genuinely relevant, those who are in dire need of your products won’t hesitate to pay the price.


While you share great content with people through your blog and social media platforms, you can make money at the same time if your blog ideas are profitable.

You can leverage your reader base and profit from affiliate marketing, selling digital or physical products.

To achieve this, you don’t need to stop sharing great information and build a long list of prospects.

But don’t forget, this might not happen if your blog topics are not relevant to your target audience.

As I have discussed in this post, you can cover any of the aforementioned blog topics that make the most money.

Don’t just think of any subject, think of what topic is most relevant to your target audience.

Do your homework very well on your niche compile a list of relevant topics to discuss and make a blogging schedule.

Your passion and the profitability of your niche matter most. They are powerful tools to make money blogging.

So, use the two very well.

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