Making Money Online

Secrets of Making Money Online Without Paying Anything

After reading this, you will be exposed to different ways to make money online without paying anything or making any investment, making money while working from home.

I was playing around with the Google Keyword Planner and discovered that a reasonable sum of people is searching for “How to make money online without paying anything.”

What can I do if not join in the search and see if there are some new techniques to discover? After my research, I saw there are things untouched.

So I decided to make a post on it – which is the post you are reading now.

There are over a hundred ways to make money online, but we will limit this article to the easiest ways of generating passive income online.

Before you can start making money online, there must be something you have to offer to people or businesses.

Once you discover what it is, you will then be able to know which free online platform will be best for you.

If you have nothing to offer, then involve brains that have what it takes and make them work for you.

However, it is not all businesses that can make money online directly.

Imagine if your business idea has to do with the production of a particular product. Of course, we all know that Production is not an online business.

In such a case, all you can do is promote your product online.

Steps to Start Making Money Online

1. Discover what you can offer to people

Ask yourself some questions:

  • What is that you can provide to people?
  • What is that people are willing to pay?
  • Is there anything you can do people will love to see or read?
  • What is it that you have a passion for that people will love?
  • Do you have an idea to solve any problem that affects certain people?

There are hundreds of questions that we can ask ourselves here, only when we have answers to the problem we can move to the next step.

2. Think of the best platform to use

This step is the most important. It is where you will determine if what you discovered in step one can be managed or promoted with an online platform.

You may have to invite programmers or web developers if you can’t think of something good.

You will have to pass this step to be closer to making money online. Whichever platform you choose, you have to make sure it is mobile-friendly because today’s internet has more mobile users.

It should look good and appealing too. You can also develop a Mobile App for it if necessary.

3. Promote your online business

After finding the best framework to promote your business, the next is to improve it.

Your business may remain stagnant if not promoted. You will need to make use of the most effective promotional medium.

Facebook ads, Google ads, and sponsored write-ups are all very effective means for online promotion.

4. Monetise your online business

Monetizing shouldn’t be your priority. Your main priority should be to make your online business stand.

First, try to drive lots of traffic to your internet business. The power of all successful online platforms is the users.

When it comes to monetizing, there are many monetizing avenues available out there. Your type of online business will determine the ones to choose.

We will explain this step on the online business we are going to list out for you.

5. Reinvest in it

If you want to make your online business grow significantly to the extent you will have to employ people; then you must invest and reinvest in it.

Do not take all the profit the business makes. Reserve some percentage for the growth of the company.

If your online business is about blogging, for instance – you can employ authors that will assist you.

You can also employ an SEO expert to help make your article ranks on several search engines, and so on.

We will look at this more as we proceed.

Top Online Business to Start for Free

1. Content Writing and Blogging

Online content writing and blogging have been trending for a while. It seems to be the easiest among all online businesses.

Many skills are not required here. All you need is to be a good writer in any niche and display your write-ups on your blog.

Creating a blog doesn’t cost much; all you need is a domain name and a hosting account.

A domain name costs about $10 annually. You can get cheap and reliable hosting with Namecheap.

Designing a blog is very easy with WordPress. We have already written an article on how to Create a WordPress Blog – Step by Step Tutorial.

You can also contact a web developer to help you with it. Feel free to use our contact page in this regard.

If you need a free blog, you can create one with Blogger or WordPress other platforms are also available read them up How to Create a Free Blog -100% Free Blog here.

On your blog, all you need to do is to be posting content you are sure people will love to read.

A good example is a tech blog – which is a blog that writes tech-related content and gives tech tutorials.

A news blog gives you the latest news updates. An entertainment niche blog will keep posting interesting articles, and so on.

How to make money from content writing and blogging?

There are lots of ways a blogger can make money from their blog. Before they can make reasonable money, the blog is expected to have lots of traffic.

By traffic, I mean those who visit the blog.

A blog that just a few hundred daily traffic is expected to make only a very little income. But blog traffic runs in thousands plan to make an excellent income.

As a new blogger, your target should be to build your traffic and not to generate income. You will know when your blog is ripe for monetization.

Monetization options for blogs

  1. Google AdSense and Alternatives: Once your blog is ripe for monetization, and you are sure it meets AdSense requirements, you can then apply for Google AdSense. If approved you will be given some line of scripts which you will put on your site. On the front end, the script text will turn into an advertisement from different platforms. Your visitors will start seeing ads on your blog. Google will pay you on the Cost Per Click (CPC) and Revenue Per Thousand Impressions (RMP).
  2. Direct Advertisement: Unlike the case of Google AdSense where there is no relationship between your blog and those you are advertising. In the case of direct advertisement, individuals or businesses may contact you to promote their products or services on your blog, which you will charge them.
  3. Sponsored Post: As long as your blog is gaining authority in your niche. You will keep receiving calls and emails from people willing to publish their articles on your blog. Most time their post will have links to somewhere outside your blog. It is a perfect way of getting backlinks – so they are ready to pay for it.
  4. Affiliate Marketing: Affiliate marketing is a kind of system where you promote specific products or services using your link known as an affiliate link. There will be a specified percentage or a fixed amount paid to you for every sale you make. All you need here is to drop your affiliate link on related articles. Doing this will increase the tendency of your transactions.
  5. Direct Sales: Lots of bloggers create a provision for direct sales on their blogs. A blogger may decide to write a book and put a price tag on it on their blog. Likewise, a fashion blogger may choose to add a shopping cart on their blogs where visitors can order a fashion product. They make sales and get profits.

2. Join Freelancing Sites

Freelance platforms have changed the way most professionals do their jobs and how most companies operate.

With the freelancing apps businesses can quickly source workers for projects that do not require to be on their payroll.

An independent professional can search for work without the pressure of aiming for tenure or a position.

On freelancing sites, all you need to do is to register and fill out all the things you can do.

On the other hand, some people have jobs looking for who will execute it for them.

If you can do the job, then bid for it at your price. If you get to do the task, after completion, you will receive payment for it.

There are various freelancing platforms developed with unique features. So you have to research which is best for you.

The kind of job you will find most on freelancing is computer-related jobs. Main Website Designing, Graphics Designing, Content Writing, Virtual Assistance, etc.

Top Freelancing Websites In The World


3. Search Engine Optimization


Popularly called SEO, it is a way to make online content rank high on the search engine reporting page (SERP).

With the rate of competition that we see online today, almost everything we search on Google exists on lots of websites.

Everyone wants their content, articles, posts, or products to be on the first page of every search engine – ahead of all other materials.

To rank high can easily with search engine optimization. Everything about SEO is online; therefore, it can be an online job for many experts in the field. Just be an expert in it and watch the world screaming for your help.

SEO has been a challenge to so many webmasters. Lots of website owners are paying a huge amount of money to see their websites rank very high on search engines.

If you are good at SEO, know that so many people are searching for you, and are ready to place you on a good income you will hardly resist.

As an SEO expert, you can be working for multiple websites and receiving income from all of them.

  • Google search
  • Bing
  • Yahoo search
  • Yandex search

4. Create a Job Portal

Daily, the unemployed are searching for jobs. Even the employed are searching for better jobs. It means that almost everyone is a job seeker.

With just a little sum of money, you can develop a platform that will link employers and employees together, and you can make good money from it.

Your main duty will be to sort for authentic employers and agents and make them register on your platform to keep posting currently available jobs.

The right job portal is preferably a web application. There are different ways you can build it to make good money.

Am pretty sure you must have come across membership job websites, where people will have to pay to become members.

You can also decide to monetize it with AdSense, Affiliate Marketing, and Direct Advertising like in the case of the blog explained above, and make even more money.

5. Social Media Manager

It will be a fascinating online job for many people. It is the kind of job you work with fun.

To get this kind of job, you have to be very literate and understand how most social media platforms work, and how to use them to achieve a particular aim.

Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are the king here. You have to understand all these social network functionalities to get yourself prepared.

Once you are sure you have what it takes to be a social media manager, talk to influential individuals and businesses you know don’t have or don’t manage their social media pages properly. Let them know what they will gain when you become their social media manager.

If your words are convincing enough to them – they will surely hire you.

6. Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is directly marketing via digital means. As a digital marketer, your job is to sell the goods and services of your clients online.

A digital marketer should be able to know the most effective method of marketing a particular product.

The world is going fully digital, and every other thing is moving alongside it. Marketing is not left behind.

So many people now prefer to advertise on websites and mobile devices, rather than the “armchair” way of advertising.

There are many promotional options available for digital marketers, but a good digital marketer should be able to know which is best in every scenario.

Digital marketers may make use of Facebook ads & pages, Google AdWords, Blogs, Instagram, and many others. It is where the world is moving towards now.

7. Affiliate Marketing


I call this selling for commission. After registering as an Affiliate Marketer for any product or service, you will have your affiliate link.

You will be paid a commission for any business deal or sales that passed through your link.

As an affiliate marketer, it will be great to have a website or blog where you will promote your link – research the best affiliate platform that will suit the requirement. There are thousands of them out there. Choose amount the ones that suit your niche.

8. Start Web Hosting As A Reseller

So many web hosting companies we see today are just small offices; they don’t have a server of theirs, everything hosting resources they have is for the parent hosting company that has the capacity and capability.

With as little monthly payment as $20, you can start a reseller hosting company. The good thing about reseller hosting is that no one will be aware that you are a reseller hosting.

Your parent hosting will create a window that makes you have a customized name server. It means that the name of the name servers can be in your company name.

I have written a comprehensive article on How to Start a Web Hosting Company as a Reseller. Read it up to get more knowledge about reseller hosting accounts.

9. Domain Trading

Domain trading means buying and selling domain names. A domain name attracts about $10 annual fee. You can purchase attractive domain names that are available and sell at a high rate when someone comes for them.

It may not sound OK to you – but know that there are thousands of people that had made fortunes from domain trading. There have been cases where a domain that was bought for $10 was sold for millions of dollars.

See some examples below, they all were purchased for about $10 but finally sold millions of dollars.

Top 10 Most Expensive Domain Name

  • – $49.7 million
  • – $35.6 million
  • – $35 million
  • – $30.18 million
  • – $18 million
  • – $17 million
  • – $16 million
  • – £9.99 million
  • .com – $13 million
  • $11 million

10. Develop a Mobile App

With the rate at which smartphone users are increasing, it won’t be a bad idea to develop your own Android and/or iOS app and monetize it.

The best app monetization platform is Google AdMob. The AdMob is very similar to Adsense. While the AdMob is for applications, the AdSense is for websites.

To apply for Google AdMob is very easy, navigate your web browser to and log in with your Google account.

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