Love Messages

200 Love Messages and Romantic Quotes

This article contains unlimited Love Messages and Romantic Quotes which you can send to your loved ones via SMS and WhatsApp.

Love is that state of having intense feelings for someone. Again, it is caring, and showing compassion towards people.

This feeling oftentimes is fiery, it is not entirely controllable. However, the feeling of love is not expressed in a vacuum, there is a need for a receptive being.

This feeling of love can better be expressed physically or better still communicated. Communication of love is very important, in cases where distance has stood between the two spouses, in this case, communication can do justice. This piece of write-up will roll out some hearty love messages for lovers.

Love Messages

  1. Hullo, even if you are a million miles away, you will always be in my heart. My love for you is an inferno that can eat distance. I love you dear. Cheers!
  2. No matter the ups and downs, I promise I will never love another. You are a part of my soul, you are irreplaceable, you are part of the air that I breathe. Words can never be enough to express how much I love you.
  3. Just like the sunflower, showing to the world how beautiful it is, I will show to the world how much you mean to me, how much you have become an important cog in my life. I will make the world know I love you!
  4. No matter the waves, no matter the tempest, no matter the tempest, no matter the tsunami, no matter the rain, no matter the vicissitudes of life, I promise my love will never die.
  5. Just as the torch is used to seek ways in the darkest night, so shall my love for you light every dark path. This love will brighten every dark moment. I love you dearie!
  6. I will be there for you through tough times and trying times, am spending my life to make it clear to you that I will love you until the end of time.
  7.  I will be the one to treat you right, I will be the one to hold you through the night, I will be light through the night, I will be the one to make all your sorrows turn into laughter, I will be the one to love you.
  8. Love is evidently the substance that soothes the soul. Through lonely times, my heart craves for you. You are all that my innermost being yearns for. I want to tell you I love you.
  9. A message is coming to you. The courier man will be invisible, the messenger is the wind. It is coming to whisper to you that I love you.
  10. Toiling through life has made life difficult to accept. life has become a bit of hell but knowing has become a soothing balm. I want to let you know love has made life beautiful. I love you

Love Messages For Her

  1. Hullo my love, all thanks to Venus for the beauty it has input in you. Staring at you all day is something I could spend the rest of my life doing. You are the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I love you.
  2. Like an arrow, your love has hit my heart. You are amazing, your love is something I will spend the rest of my life dying for. I love you sweetie.
  3. Hi, I want to tell you, I will never break your heart, I will never do you wrong, and I will spend every minute of my life adoring you. I will love you forever pretty.
  4. Your Beauty is just as shining as gold as precious as the air I breathe. I want to tell you that what makes you different makes you beautiful. you are my treasure sweetheart.
  5. Watching you makes me happy, when I watch you walk I feel hypnotized by your charming beauty. You my heartthrob. I dare say, you are from another planet
  6. Waking up to see you breathing by my side is all my heart desires. I come to accept that your love is my heartbeat. Your love is such electric that can not be ignored. I love you more.
  7. You are my lover, you are my soulmate, you are my life, you my everything. Of course your warm breath, and sweet kisses can never be compared to anything. You are my love.
  8. I have come to see how you leave me restless whenever you don’t tell me how much you love me. However, I muchly realized that telling the much I love is more of oxygen. I love you bae!
  9. I have always questioned why I do not get anything right, why I trust you, why I can not live without you, why nothing makes sense without you, and why nothing seems to work without you. The answer is simply that I love you. That is what makes everything work. I love you dearie!
  10. If love was a war, babe, I am ready to be your gladiator. I promise I will fight against all odds to see that this our love keeps burning. I will conquer for you my sweetheart.

Love Messages For Him

  1. Hullo dude, I want to let you know that words cannot entirely capture how much I love you. I will save up kisses, hugs, warmth embrace for you to show how much I love you.
  2. One much breathtaking moment in my life is the moment we met. In you I see my hero, in you I see a man for me, in you I find the love of my life. I love you my prince.
  3. Finding myself around you is one thing my heart desires. I do not mind swimming in Mississippi just to be with. Wrapped around your arms I feel safe and secure. I love you my man.
  4. In my heart I will keep a place just for you, a place shining so bright. Just know that you are the only man for me and I will always respect you for the rest of my life. I love you.
  5. It is easy to fool around, it is harder to keep faith, however, I cross my heart; you will always be the man of my life, you will always be my prince, and I will always love you.
  6. Make me your Cinderella and I will always hold you in high esteem. Your love has swept me off my feet, I barely can catch, my breath, I barely can catch myself. I love you
  7. Hullo my prince, a moment away from you is like a decade of torture, pain, and anguish. Pls, let my life be about you for you are the prince of my life. I love you
  8. I have always tried to learn how to live, but I have come to understand that trying to live without you is like holding my breath for the rest of my life. My man, my hero, I love you.
  9. In every quiet moment, all I hear is the whispers of your name in my head. I have come to accept you the man of my life and all that matters in my life. I love you
  10. Never in my life have I come to the point of being so overwhelmed by love. You a truly the man for my love. I love you

Romantic Love Messages

  1. I will walk all mile, I will walk through the rain, I will walk under the sun just to be with you. I will swim that ocean, fly over walls like a bird just to be in your arms. Cheers love!
  2. As beautiful as the petals of roses is love. Love is such a fiery flame that even the ocean can never extinguish. I want to be that fire of love that can not be quenched until the end of time.
  3. Honey is thought to be the sweetest thing for those who have not tasted love. Love is the sweetest feeling you can ever savor.
  4. Like perfume, love spreads in the air and it is appreciated only by those who perceive the irresistible power this feeling of love carries. Love is the greatest thing that can be found in every man.
  5. Running away from love is almost like trying to outrun one’s shadow. Love is the destiny of every human, and only when we live out this life we feel complete.
  6. Kisses, caresses, holding each other, care, concern, communication, and looking at each other are all the spices that give love its delicious savor. Never fail to enjoy love when you find one.
  7. Some people have defined love as feelings, but meeting you has given me a better definition of love. Love is you and me together.
  8. The greatest underachievement is taking one’s love for granted. I cross my chest, I will be the one that put a smile on your face every day, I will always love you.
  9. If I was given the chance to feel, I would choose to feel love for you. It will be the greatest attainment in human history. You are the love of my life.
  10. Loving you is a prayer answered. The greatest miracle in my life. All thanks to go for loving you.

Deep Love Messages

  1. I have come to understand that you are my oxygen, I feel breathless whenever you are far away from me. My love for you is my source of life.
  2. The innermost burning of love for you is the music in my life. My heart beats the drum, while my thoughts of you form the lyrics. You are my love melody
  3.  Just like the milky way, leaving the world in amazement and awe, so shall my love for you stand the test of time. If my maker gave me eternity, I will spend it loving you.
  4. Just as the fish cannot be separated from water, so I have become eternally bound to you. Many may doubt this but my lifetime serves as a period of proving this. You are the one I love.
  5. Just as the morning sun peeps through the holes in a hut, so I will always find my way into your life. My love will always come to sweep you up your feet like a tsunami. You all my thought is. I love you, Honeypie!
  6. Complication is one of the inevitable of life. However, my love for you will remain forever and will be void of complications. This is my words, it bears my life.
  7. Morning brings smiles to every living thing. It is a down for a fresher start, in the same way every moment spent around you is like a dawn in my life. I will never leave your side my love.
  8. If loving you is the wrong thing to do in this life we are in, I accept being an eternal convict for you. I will forever love you, for that is the constitution of my world.
  9. Love is the epitome of paradise, wrapped in your arms takes me to the paradise of love where my heart longs to be forever. I love you!
  10. There is a famous saying; ‘behind every dark cloud there is a silver lining’. I dare say the best saying; ‘behind every dark cloud there is love lining’. Through every tough time, I will always love you.

I Love You Messages

  1. Million kisses for you for being the most fantastic thing that has ever happened to me. I love you!
  2. Knowing you have added joy to my life. You make every day of my life count. Many Loves!
  3. I never knew that love can find me until the day I met you. May this love never die.
  4. Since I met you, you have become a part of my beating heart. I love you
  5. If our life was a love story, it will never end.
  6. I don’t want to imagine what life would be like without you. Trying such thought is suicidal. You are my love
  7. Knowing you, I dare say, is a prayer answered.
  8. My love for you will remain forever!
  9. Your love is incomparable to anything, even a spring water is not as pure as your love
  10. I love you, from hair to toe. I will spend every moment of my life adoring every part of you.

Sweet Love Messages

  1. All my life, my heart’s desire will be to make you the happiest woman on earth.
  2. Spending a whole lifetime with you will be a heaven for me. You mean the whole world to me.  I love you.
  3. If loving you was Mount Everest I do not mind giving my life to climb to the zenith. You mean the world to me.
  4. With you, my life earns more meaning. I pray God to grant me eternity with you my love. I love you for life
  5. If loving you was a dream, I muchly desire that I never wake up. I will make the dreams a reality, forever!
  6. I will love you until the end of time.
  7. From head to toe, I cherish every bit of you, till death do us path.
  8. Your love drives me insane, that’s why I act like an idiot whenever am with you. But guess what, I love the idiot in me, that should let you know how crazy I am about you.
  9. Because of the burning love I have for you, listening to your voice has become a real melody that can never get me bored.
  10. A life well spent is a life spent loving you and you alone. I love you to the moon and back.

Heart Touching Love Messages

  1. If I was given the chance to die for something, I would choose dying for you, by doing so I will feel fulfilled. I treasure you like nothing else in this world!
  2. I can swim oceans, fly over mountains, and run distances just to be with you my love. Anything about never gets me tired. Kisses!
  3. Loving has been rumored to be a spell, but I replied to them that’s the best spell to live under. You are the true definition of love.
  4. With you in my life I feel complete and better. Nothing else in this world can be better than you. Cheers to our Love!
  5. Just as colorful as the butterfly, so is my love for you. In your eyes all I see is the 7 beautiful colours of the rainbow.
  6. Having you is the revelation of my life. You are the beat of my heart. Life without you will definitely affect my heartbeat.
  7. My love for you is more expensive than Lamborghini. You are the most expensive, which money can’t buy.
  8. My love for you has gone to every corner of the world. Even the birds in the woods are whistling it.
  9. You are much my soulmate and heartbeat, all I think of every hour of the day is you.
  10. My love for you surpasses that of Romeo and Juliet they are learners where we are. My Love for you is more than volcanic eruption!

Love Quotes

  1. Love is like a candlelight in a dark room. It illuminates the world around us. Far more than 100 watts bulb.
  2. One pandemic that is never a disease is love. It can infect the whole world with life.
  3. Love is contagious, just in the same way smile spreads. Your love is a perfect electric shock.
  4. There is no war love cannot conquer. This is why it is believed that love conquers all.
  5. Two wrongs can never make a right, but two lovers makes a perfect world, and that is the definition of us.
  6. The greatest sign of love is abundance that springs from the heart.
  7. Only one act can stop wars in the world, that one act is love. Only an act of love can thaw a frozen heart.
  8. An act of love nourishes the human system and energizes the spirit. Your love has multiplied the strength in me.
  9. Only love can bring the world to one voice. This is why I cherish every word that comes out of your mouth.
  10. Love is one big ocean that can never run dry. Its source is unfathomable. This is why I always say that my love for you is bigger than an ocean.

Love Text

  1. I miss you over a million times every minute you are not around me. Your presence is what keeps my heart beating.
  2. Roses will not be enough to spell out how much I love you. I love you to the moon and back.
  3. The four letter word that has thrilled me is love. This is all I have for you
  4. Your love has become an endless source of strength for me. I just want you to know that am always weak without you. I love you my love!
  5. Nothing heals like your love. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
  6. All my life I desire your love to pour on me just like a rain that never stops.
  7. Love making with you is the best feeling that has run through my veins and keeps me alive.
  8. I have come to learn that there is no love without obstacles. However, I will fall all for love again and again.
  9. As long as there is life in me, and the world never ends, I will keep loving you. In you all I see is love.
  10. I am lucky to find myself on this same planet with you. I love you dear, and I wish this feeling never ends.

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