Low Competition Keywords

How to Find Low Competition Keywords with Super High Traffic

Are you finding it difficult to rank your blog or increase your organic traffic?

The judgment you make in targeting low competition keywords matters to your traffic and rankings.

Less competitive keywords are believed to help boost traffic.

However to see the effect of the keywords you are targeting could be challenging if the competition is high and your blog is new.

This is because websites with high Domain Authority (DA) tend to dominate search engines.

To compete with the big guns, you need to know how to find low competition keywords with high traffic.

Meanwhile, one of the techniques to rank a page is focusing on high search volume low competition keywords.

If the search volume (SV) and SEO difficulty (SD) of the keywords you are targeting are not too high, your page will definitely appear on the first page of a search engine result.

And when that happens, the implication is that your traffic will increase.

It is believed that pages on the first page of Google search engine results get higher traffic or click-through rates than those on the second page or thereabouts.

This does not mean using highly competitive keywords is out of bounds for new sites.

As a blogger or digital marketer, you need a good strategy to create content that will boost your rankings.

While optimizing your content for SEO, you need to focus on low-competition keywords to make your page rank on Google or any other search engine and increase your organic traffic.

So, if you want to know how to find low-competition keywords with high traffic, this guide is for you.

How to find low competition keywords with high traffic

The following are the best steps to find low competition keywords that can make your website get found faster on Google or any search engine.

1. Propose topics relevant to your audience

After launching a new blog, you don’t just pick a keyword or topic and go to work. You need to brainstorm on relevant topics to find relevant keywords.

This can’t be a difficult thing to do.

Consider the following ways to find the best hot topics for your blog post plan.


Sit down and think of a good topic that befits your blog.

Assuming you are an internet user who needs answers to some questions relating to your niche,

How would you type in your words on Google?

You would type in your query in a way to get the best answers.

Isn’t it?

Then your audience should be on your mind while rationalizing a topic.

There is no specific format for writing blog topics. As much creativity is involved, your topics can be in the form of a question, list, or assertion.

Most internet users are average English speakers.

So, you should avoid using big grammar in your topics and be as natural as you can to make your topic less ambiguous.

Look at social media platforms

Another credible source of topic ideas is social media.

There is a guarantee that the topic you find on Facebook or X will actually bring traffic to your website as most matters on social media go viral.

Most people who want to read more about something they stumbled upon on social media swerve to Google.

And if you have related discussions on your website, that would bring a lot of search opportunities for you.

You can find so many events, updates, or trends that you can use on Facebook, X, and TikTok.

The commonest of these trends come with hashtags either on X, Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok.

By carefully observing and analyzing social media trends, you will be able to gather valuable topics from which you can find less competitive keywords to produce amazing content and boost your positions on Google SERPs.

Search forum websites

Some of the popular forum websites are Quora and Reddit.

By the name “forum”, such websites are designed to help people ask and answer important questions or engage in professional discussions.

When someone goes to Quora for instance and asks a question, a lot of answers will come from different members who are experts in the field.

By joining or exploring discussions on matters related to your niche on a forum website, you will see so much to write about.

You can jot down the commonly asked questions or questions that remain unanswered on the platform and convert them to amazing topics for your blog’s content.

Do not forget to also note the topics few people show interest in as they might be less competitive at that moment but later trend and hence give you some real good organic traffic.

Search engines


The search engines, most especially, Google and Bing, or video-sharing platforms like YouTube have auto-suggest and auto-complete features.

The search tools suggest search terms based on their analysis of the highest inputted searches made by users.

As you type in your own queries, you will see a list of related search terms coming up.

Those are the related searches that other people have made in the category of the query you enter in the search engine.

Meanwhile, you can use the suggested terms as topics from which you can get less competitive keywords with high traffic.

Steal from competitors’ websites

If you have no topic ideas and you don’t want to stretch too much on other options, why not steal from your competitors?

Explore your competitors’ websites for great topic ideas.

That would be faster though.

But you have to be careful and avoid making this deadly SEO mistake.

Your topics don’t have to be the same as your counterparts.

A slight change with the use of antonyms and synonyms can make your own version of the “stolen” topic a lot better.

When people search Google and come across so many answers, they click on the page that has the best topic.

That is, great topic ideas interest the audience.

Once you’ve established your niche, find low competition keywords that can bring massive traffic to your website.

This is not possible without proposing the best topics or subjects that matter to your audiences and conducting keyword research on the topics.

2. Extract keywords from your topics

Keyword research will help you to identify keywords that can help searchers find your content real quickly.

Meanwhile, keywords are common terms or queries people use when they are searching for something on a search engine.

Assuming someone is looking for answers on “how to make an ebook”, his search queries may include:

  • Steps to make an ebook
  • Ebook ideas for beginners

If you have written a great article on that subject and focus on either of or all the two keywords, your post will be part of what the search engines will fetch for the searcher.

But where there are thousands of articles from different other authors, targeting the same keywords, the SEO difficulty of the keywords will be high.

Consequently, your page may not appear on the first, second, third, fourth, or fifth page of the search results if you are a new website.

Against this, you need to conduct keyword research on your proposed topic or seed keyword and find less competitive keywords to easily rank for.

Let us say your keyword research tool is UberSuggest and your seed keyword is “trainers shoes”.

Enter the seed keyword “trainers shoes” in the tool search bar and hit the SEARCH button to commence your research.

From the results of your research, you will see a long list of keywords related to your seed keyword, maybe in thousands.

This can make you ask yourself,

“What Am I going to do with all these?”


You do not need all that.

Your keyword research tool will provide you with insights into each of the search terms.

With that data, you would need to determine if the competition or SEO difficulty of a keyword is low or high before choosing it.

If you do not consider all the necessary metrics of a keyword before choosing it, your keyword strategy will fail regardless of the quality of your content.

In other words, blogging is like a human body having SEO practices as its parts and good keyword research as the blood.

3. Choose keywords with low competition

There are SEO metrics or parameters to know which keyword has a low or high competition level.

These metrics include the SEO difficulty, search volume, and cost per click (CPC) of a keyword, which are based on numbers from zero (0) up.

Of all the metrics, SEO or keyword difficulty is the most important parameter to consider.

Keywords with SEO difficulty from 0 – 10 are considered to be less competitive and easier to rank.

These are important parameters to check when you are extracting keywords from a topic. The lower the number, the easier it is to rank your page with the keyword in Google SERPS.

To find low competition keywords with high traffic possibility, look for low competition keywords from the long list provided by your keywords research tool.

Otherwise, you may find it difficult to rank your page with too high competitive keywords.

What are the best keyword research tools?


Keyword research tools are SEO software used for analyzing keywords and getting performance-based recommendations on which keywords to target and make your website gain traction on the Google search engine.

The tools provide seed keywords, latent semantic indexing (LSI) keywords, long-tail keywords, and other important metrics that users can use to optimize their sites.

The data obtained from a keyword research tool can be used for website optimization and to outperform competitors.

Most keyword research software is either free or premium.

Some partially offer both free and paid services depending on your required capacity.

Some provide you with all the SEO features you need to get the best keywords while others might only provide part of these features.

Or you can get all the services you need in one suit or select the few ones you need so the cost would not be too much.

That makes it very important for you to consider the features of a keyword research tool before choosing it.

Meanwhile, there are different tools out there that you can use to conduct SEO keyword research on a topic and find low competition keywords to boost your search rankings and traffic.

A few of them are listed below:

Google keyword planner


Google keyword planner is one of the most popular (if not the most popular) free keyword research tools.

It is used by many bloggers and marketers to discover more than a hundred keywords related to their niche.

This tool is highly user-friendly and can be used by virtually anyone with basic knowledge of SEO techniques to create great Google CPC ad campaigns or blog content.

It can also be used for a website analysis or page analysis to see how your website is faring on Google search engine.

This feature also paves the way for many bloggers to spy on their rivals.

It suggests a list of relevant low competition keywords which is the subject of this discussion.

To get started, you have to log in to Google keyword planner using your Google account.

As you know, nothing can be 100% good, Google keyword planner also has some limitations resulting from its high usage.

The tool was initially created to allow AdWords users to analyze and optimize their advertising campaigns.

For this reason, you might not find exceptional keywords on the Keyword Planner especially on competitive niches since some of your rivals might be using the tool also.

Even most of the suggested low competition keywords might have become highly competitive.

Nevertheless, you should really try out the Google keyword planner as a newbie to kick-start your keyword research strategy.


SEMrush is another well-known keyword research tool to find low-competition keywords with massive high search volume and boost your rankings and traffic on Google.

Unlike Google keyword planner, SEMrush offers only premium services.

However, its keyword research features rightly justify its paid services, providing fully-fledged keyword research features such as backlink analysis and great optimization power.

SEMrush can also be used to do an in-depth analysis on your rival websites and spy on their marketing campaigns and keyword usage.

Some of the features that you can find on SEMrush include:

  • Topic research tool: This allows you to find trending topics and other catchy headlines for your content.
  • Traditional research tool: This allows you to pick a competitive keyword from a list of others generated from your seed keyword.
  • Keyword overview: This gives you a complete analysis of your keywords such as their rankings, Click-Through Rates (CTR), open rates, and so on.
  • Keyword magic tool: This is an advanced traditional keyword research tool as it provides you with more advanced keyword ideas from your seed keywords. It gives you a list of long-tail keywords related to your niche and PPC campaigns.

Using SEMrush to find keywords with low competition might be a bit difficult, especially for most newbies. But with time and constant usage, you will get to know how to harness this amazing tool to get the desired results.

Do not forget that SEMrush is not a free tool but you can get a 14-day free trial to fully convince you of its uniqueness.

Alexa’s keyword difficulty tool

This keyword tool called Alexa is another premium service keyword research tool.

It suggests only long-tail keywords related to the seed keyword you have inputted while considering your website’s competitive power.

It filters off any keyword idea not relevant to your seed keyword with its high signal to noise ratio.

After you have selected your preferred keyword, you can then check their difficulty in line with your site’s competitive power to see how you will fare.

The fact that the tool will consider the keyword difficulty of your keywords using a score lesser than competitive power gives you room to score higher when you eventually use the keywords on your website.

Alexa’s KD tool is easy to use and saves quality time.

There are other good keyword research tools you can try out. These are Ubersuggest, LSI Graph, Serpstat, KWFinder, and so on.

Using these tools to find low competition keywords with high traffic is vital to your SEO and SERP ranking success.

Benefits of targeting low competition keywords

The ultimate goal of every blogger or digital marketer is to be visible on Google.

With a good keyword research strategy, you can find low competition keywords with ranking and traffic boost.

Meanwhile, the benefits extend to other areas which include:

Audiences’ trust

Many users are getting tired of the big guns as some of them fail to perform up to expectations.

So, their audiences are on the lookout for new websites that can give them what they want.

If you know how to find keywords with low competition, you will be able to attract these frustrated audiences and convert them to your long-term subscribers or customers through your high-quality content.

This is why even when you target a profitable keyword, it must be relevant to your niche and content.

Brand awareness

Since low competition keywords will help you attract your potential customers, your brand awareness will increase the more the people are tied down to your website.

Down the line, many people will begin to show interest in your website and products.

Domain authority

Domain Authority


While the big guns are busy in search of highly competitive keywords with high search volume to get more organic traffic, you will continue to drive traffic to your website and continue ranking higher without being noticed.

By the time they start to spy on your website, you will have solidified your authority in your domain.

Hence, it will be difficult to displace you from the front page if you do not go back on your keyword research strategy.

PPC campaigns and impressions

Using low competition keywords to run your ad campaigns will send your campaigns to the front page of the search engines.

Failure of many brands to make it to the front pages of Google search engine has led many ad campaigns to be less productive.

As a result, such campaigns will bring losses in their ROI.


I believe by now you MUST have discovered how to find less competitive keywords and why the strategy is important to you as a blogger or digital marketer.

Whether you use a keyword research tool or manual research to find a keyword with low competition, the most important thing about keyword research is to make your content align with your target keywords.

No matter how competitive a keyword is, your content must deeply reflect what the keyword is all about to get the strategy working for you.

This does not mean, you cannot use highly competitive keywords.

As a beginner, getting started with low competition keywords will help you easily rank for your target keywords on Google.

So, get a keyword research tool, enter your seed keywords or proposed topics, and filter your research to get more specific results.

Having gotten your desired keywords, write your article, optimize it with more SEO practices get ready to rank higher, and drive massive organic traffic to your website.


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