Increase Website Traffic without SEO

How to Increase Website Traffic without SEO

One of the craziest things to do as a blogger is to look for how to increase traffic to your website without SEO.

Many might think this is not possible without breaking Google’s rule.

That is not true!

Your best bet to increase your web traffic is to integrate vlogging into your blog.

You can increase your web traffic 10x without SEO and Google will still be fine with you.

What is the trick?

We have a blogger in the house today who will be telling us a few things about how he improves traffic to his blog.

If you are a regular blogger, you must have known our guest.

If not, you would be so much in love with him after reading his story here and some of his works.

He has some mind-blowing blogging and traffic tricks, which I think you might need.

If you follow us till the end of the show, I’m sure you’re going to learn one or two things, most especially how to increase the traffic on your website without SEO.

Before we start, let’s quickly say a few things about what is web traffic?

What is web traffic?

As found on Wikipedia,
Web or website traffic can be referred to as the amount of data sent from one website to another by visitors. Wikipedia

In view of this, web traffic doesn’t include the data generated on a website by bots, but by humans. And that makes traffic automation very dangerous.

In the graph below, you can see how a website increased its traffic overnight. That wasn’t normal.

If you break any SEO rule to increase the traffic on your website, don’t feel too lucky.

Search engines are smart enough to know what is happening. And the moment they detect the strange traffic boost, a penalty follows.

In the second graph, the traffic went down in just two days. And the website might gradually lose the whole traffic, including what the owner had suffered before the trick, and die forever in cyberspace.


So, what’s the gain?

The battle against fake traffic is fierce. If you want a quick boost in your web traffic and you don’t do it responsibly, your website will be penalized or banned outrightly on search engines.

Hence, automated web traffic isn’t counted as web traffic and can lead to your death in the cyberspace arena.

In fact, Google frowns at it and penalizes all offenders.

Meanwhile, one of the most important aspects of a website is its traffic. It’s something you MUST learn how to improve right from the moment you set up your website.

Why is web traffic important?

Web traffic is important because it indicates how busy a website is.

It is used to quantify how many customers or audiences come to your website to learn about your business.

When you know ways to increase the traffic to your website, the opportunities you get from the website increase drastically.

By implication, a website that has a significant amount of visitors competes very well.

When you have such a website, you can use it to help other big businesses advertise their business and you’ll make a lot of money in return.

So, if you want to know how to make money blogging, you have to monitor your traffic at all times.

The revenue you are going to generate will come from the traffic you realize from your website.

Or if you’re an affiliate marketer, the traffic can be monetized by sending leads to other businesses you promote on your website.

The more people come to your website and follow your leads, the more money you make.

That is the GAME!

So, when you have a website and you’re yet to make money from it, one of the things you need to do is to look for how to improve traffic to your website.

Most businesses ignore this aspect, thinking once they have a website that’s all.

In fact, that is just the beginning.

You MUST know ways to increase traffic to your website if you want the website to work and serve your business as you like.

Ideally, doing proper search engine optimization (SEO) is a superb way to improve organic traffic to a website.

But because that is not going to make an impact so soon, you need other ways to increase traffic to your website.

This is nothing other than getting out of your comfort zone and doing all that is needed.

How to increase traffic to your website


You can find all that matters in Off-Page SEO Rules. We have some exclusive tips for you right there, so you can do things according to the rules.

For that reason, there won’t be any regret by the time Google is done indexing your website.

But if you want a quick answer, our guest has some quick ones for you.

And that includes:

  1. Keyword research: Check the search volume of every keyword and how your competitors are using the keywords before you use them. Ensure the search volume isn’t too high or low.
  2. Long-tail keywords: You can improve traffic to your website with the use of long-tail keywords.
  3. Optimize for speed: Try to keep your website load time as low as possible.
  4. Content re-purposing: Right after publishing your blog post, write on forums like Quora and Livejournal and place your link there. That will give you free traffic and also help with link building.
  5. YouTube videos: You can also create YouTube videos and ensure you do that persistently to get the reward which is fast traffic to your website.
  6. Guest post on authority websites: If you’re a good writer and have time to write an SEO-optimized article, why don’t you write one for yourself and one for an authority website you know? Doing guest blogging is not the problem but getting a high-authority website that will accept your article. In that case, before approaching anyone for your guest post, ensure you follow all their required rules.
  7. Social media shares: There are a lot of traffic opportunities on social media – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and so on. When you share your blog posts on these platforms, they send a lot of traffic to your website.

It’s normal to look everywhere for different ways to increase traffic to your website when you just started.

Our guest didn’t deny passing through this stage either.

In his statement, he said,

“I had tried many things when I just started. And trust me, like every new blogger, I also had the fear. Instead of enjoying the process, I started focusing on the end results. And that impacted me a lot. And this is the same thing I notice in every other new blogger.”

Learning how to increase traffic to your website is not a big deal.

As the digital marketer listed above, you can get tons of referral traffic on your website using any or all of the strategies.

But what would you do with the traffic?

Do you want people to visit your site and keep coming? Then you have to learn how to optimize your website’s bounce rate.

The interview with a top blogger

The interview follows:

Q1. Can you tell our audience about yourself and what your blog is all about?

Answer: Hey Lawal, thanks a lot for giving me this awesome opportunity.

I am a digital marketer and a part-time blogger. I have been blogging for the last six months. And I write about Digital Marketing, Blogging, SEO, and many more things on my blog.

Q2. Why did you choose to be a blogger?

Answer:  Interesting Question. Before one year, I didn’t even bother to become a blogger. I was quite happy with my full-time job.

But, things changed when I started following a few Indian Bloggers on social media.

I always had serious concerns about the legitimacy of this “Make Money Online” phrase.

So, I was a bit skeptical at the beginning. And I Followed around 1000 Videos on YouTube. I also tried to learn more about this industry.

Then I realized that an individual could get a decent amount of fame and money at the same time. And that too in an ethical way.

I didn’t look back after that. I purchased a new laptop and started blogging.

Q3. Describe how you started blogging?

Answer: As I stated above, I started blogging in August 2019. Before that, I did some research online, which helped me to strengthen my foundation knowledge.

However, the real-time scenario was not that smooth when I started, there were many challenges, which include some of the reasons why most bloggers fail.

I tried to fix some on my own and got an expert to fix things that were out of my expertise.

Gradually, I built my confidence and continued blogging for the first 21 days.

Things are now in autopilot mode.

I don’t have to try to blog in my free time. I have created my entire schedule based on my blogging timings.

Q4. Where do you see blogging in the future?

Answer: I get this one a lot.

I understand that people have started consuming more and more video content nowadays. And the most dominating video publishing platform, which is YouTube, is also providing amazing perks for its creators.

So, where does it leave us with blogging?

I believe that blogging will still rule in this year and beyond.

Let’s think like a user.

Imagine if you are a non-techie person like me, and you are trying to get some free technical help online.

If you go to YouTube and select a video of 15 minutes, it’ll reduce the probability of finding the right solution.

That video may or may not have the ideal solution that you are looking for.

On the other hand, in 15 minutes, you can scroll multiple blogs, and you may get the answer as well.

Apart from that, there is one thing that I would like to highlight here.

You go to the trending option on YouTube. You’ll find out that all the trending videos are related to the entertainment and fashion industry.

The core business industries, like manufacturing, retail, pharma, and many more are still operating a website.

Yes, they are also creating videos on YouTube and social media. But they are also giving equal importance to their website.

So, in my opinion, the combination of Blog and YouTube will rock better.

Q6. Can you tell us about your niche?

Answer: I write about digital marketing stuff, like blogging, SEO, marketing strategies, and many more.

Q7. How do you get content to fill your blog?

Answer: You might sound funny and crazy.

But I have plenty of ideas to write any blog post. Finding blog post ideas can be tricky at times.

But with the right resources, anyone can excel.

Q8. How do you manage your time?

Answer: I’m very bad at time management. And from the last 6 months, I’m giving very little time to the people surrounding me.

This is something I want to work on.

Q9. What is the best strategy to get quality backlinks?

Answer: Write more and more guest posts and outreach with the broken link opportunity. If you wish, then I can write a detailed post about the same on your website.

Interlude: Hahaha! I don’t mind. Do that and send me a copy, and I’ll publish it right away!

Q10. How do you want to improve your blog this year?

Answer: I want to build more and more trust and create more actionable content for my readers. And also be more regular on YouTube.

Q11. What is the best monetization strategy to make money blogging?

Answer: It depends.

For me, I am doing Adsense, affiliate, sponsored posts, and paid projects. There are many legit ways to make money online.

Previously, a guest shared some thoughts on some real work-from-home jobs that fetch her 1000 Euro every month.

I think you can have a look at that guide!

The truth of the matter is, that you can’t make money from day one, you have to be patient and follow the due process.

Q12. What is your proudest achievement as a blogger?

Answer: I’m a simple guy.

And I’m not proud of my blogging achievements. However, I can commit to my blog and can go to any extent for my blog.

It makes me feel good about myself.

Q13. What challenges have you ever experienced in your industry?

Answer: Challenges are there and will be there.

But, we all have to work in this industry right? That is why I follow a generous approach to helping others.

I have never misguided anyone for my own benefit.

I’m blogging for a better life, not for some quick money.

Q14. Who do you look up to in your industry and why?

Answer: There are many people whom I follow and their constant support helped me to improve daily. I have mentioned them in a list of my posts.

Q15. Is blogging worth a career?

Answer: Blogging can be a career but you’ll have to consider it as a business.

It requires time, money, effort, and many other things.

Life will not be as easy as a blogger. At least for the first 2 years.

Q16. What advice would you like to give job seekers?

This is coming from an employee who is working with Brands Like IBM, Wipro, and many more.

  1. Create a profile on Linkedin
  2. Showcase your skills
  3. If you do not have any skills then develop one
  4. Be generous and humble

Job has its own benefits, but you have to give your 200% every time.

Otherwise, there will always be a replacement who will work with less paycheque.


I really appreciate the love you share with me so far. I have learned so many things from our friendship.

We have talked about Indian culture, government, girls, business, and the digital marketing landscape. You’re such a very nice, wonderful, and kindhearted person I have ever met.


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