Best SEO Techniques

Best SEO Techniques to Increase Website Traffic in 2024

There are some SEO techniques and practices that you should be practicing if you genuinely want to increase website traffic and ranking. I call it the Best SEO Technique to Increase Website Traffic.

We know that Google changes its algorithm always, and knowing this will help us to know the Best SEO techniques to practice if we want to increase website traffic.

There are thousands of SEO techniques that will help to increase website traffic and ranking, but some are outdated and no longer work.

This post focuses on the Best SEO techniques you should practice if you want to increase website traffic.

What is SEO?

According to MOZ, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the practice of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to your website through organic search engine results.

The essence of creating a website is to advertise, promote, or create awareness online. For some people, it can be a means of investment; I mean those involved in online business. All these can be complete if the search engines can’t find your website or the contents.

All said, SEO is those things you can do on your website or content to enhance its ranking on search engines.

Best SEO Techniques to Increase Site Traffic

If you are a blogger a website owner, or a business owner in search of new investors, the below SEO techniques will help you to increase website traffic and gain a lot of visitors/customers.

1. Optimize your content for Mobile

Technology has made our phones smarter, and our content is useless if it is not optimized for mobile. Today, about 86% of internet users visit using a smartphone.

So, if you did not optimize your content for mobile, that means you are telling 86% of internet users not to consume your content. It is as simple as that.

Despite how you feel about mobile taking over our internet, there certainly is no going back. Smartphones have come to stay and will, knowing this, will make you optimize your content for mobile.

This can be achieved by using a mobile responsive template on your blog/website to be certain your sites are mobile-friendly.

2. Write Good Content

The only SEO technique that does not change over the year, not minding algorithm change, is good content.

Yes, you have heard of the saying that says CONTENT is KING! So start writing and writing good content that is consumable by others.

Avoid copying and pasting from other websites and blogs, carry out your research, and write meaningful and readable stuff.

After writing your article or post, it will be best you run a plagiarism test on your content and make sure it has zero or less than 10% plagiarism.

One key to succeeding as a blogger or writer is to keep writing and writing good stuff.

3. Link to Authority Sites

One of the best SEO techniques or Search Engine Optimization tools is Links. When writing, try to target high-quality websites and link to them.

Linking to a low-quality website may not do you much good or may get you penalized.

There are SEO tools you can use to know these high-quality sites like Alexa Ranking System.

Also, try to do internal linking to your post to engage visitors and reduce your bounce rate.

4. Focus on SEO

Good SEO is the best one can do for their website to rank better than that of their competitors.

SEO technique that will help you to increase your website is not a one-time thing. As I mentioned earlier, Search Engine Algorithms frequently change. What works last year may be penalized this year.

SEO techniques are a long-term commitment and need you to be the focus to understand what might have changed.

5. Patience when applying SEO Techniques

SEO techniques are not an instant result. To see your results or effort can take months, so be patient don’t build and destroy that is not working within weeks.

Remember, your visitors may also be doing the SEO you are doing. So to be in the game, you have to be consistent with it. If you stop and your competitors don’t, then, you may be kicked out of the game.

But if your SEO is consistent and better off, for as long as the search engine such as Google Search is concerned, your business website will be on top of the SERP.

6. Question Search engine optimization Experts Company

If you need to employ an SEO expert or company to handle your Search Engine Optimization, you should be aware of what kind of methods the company or expert uses.

Also, ask if there is any risk involved in such a method, go online, and research the method, the company or expert, and what tactics they use.

7. Learn SEO Yourself

To perfectly understand SEO techniques, you have to learn How Search Optimization works even when you are using experts or companies.

If you want to do it yourself, you should become a search engine optimization student and learn as many SEO techniques.

There are a lot of SEO technique resources available on the internet, explore and read, read again, and read more.

8. Use Web Analytic

You need web analytics on your websites to be able to monitor what works and what is not working. There are plenty of web analytics to use, but I will advise if you should use Google Web Analytics.

Google Analytics will let you see the traffic flow to your website. Not just that, it will also give you information about where your site visitors are coming from, how long they spent on your site, and the site pages they visited.

They are much other information you will find on Google Analytics I didn’t mention here. Try to integrate all your sites into Google Analytics.

9. Judge your Website

If you plan to show on the first page of Google, then judge your website.

Question yourself if your website is among the top ten in that niche. Be honest with yourself, If your answer is “No” then make it better.

10. Re-Publish Old Content

They may be good posts you made that are just sitting in your archive over the years. It’s time to help yourself by re-publishing them and boosting your search engine optimization.

Don’t just post your old posts in a new window and publish, no that’s not what I mean. You have to edit them or cut them into different posts or topics and publish them.

11. Make your Content Easy to Share

There is no doubt that social media is an excellent way to drive traffic to our blogs/websites.

Make your content very easy to share with readers as this will increase the audience that your content reaches and in turn, increase your web traffic.

12. Use SEO-friendly URLs

Don’t allow your URLs to be auto-generated using your post title, manually use keywords in your URLs and file names. Bots and not humans read URLs, so optimize it for bots to truly understand and index it.

13. Use Relevant Title and Meta Description on Posts

The post title is the most important on-page SEO technique. It is difficult to rank for a keyword without it being on the post title

The meta description, on the other hand, won’t help your ranking but will appear as the text snippet below your post title in search engine results.

It shows a preview of what the post is all about and encourages searchers to click on your link.

14. Install SEO Tools/Plugins

Charity they say begins at home, and on-page search engine optimization is the number one thing to do before going off-page. There are several SEO tools to use in on-page SEO techniques, but I will recommend Yoast Search Engine Optimization Plugin for WordPress.

Having read this, don’t just sit and do nothing, now is the time to work. I will advise you to read How to Make Money Blogging | Online

Have any questions; please feel free to ask us using the comment button.

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Related Tags: best seo techniques | latest seo techniques | how to increase SEO on google | seo techniques in digital marketing | types of seo techniques |on-page seo techniques | off-page seo techniques


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